Wednesday 23 January 2013

Daily Divination Cards - Wednesday 23rd January 2013


I've only just realised that I'd forgotten all about doing the cards this morning!

After taking Maisie out and getting blown along the beach (2 degrees C, felt like -3C), coming back and warming up, and then reading and responding to a few emails and orders, I got side-tracked by a new idea...

(This often happens - I am so easily distracted!)

However, I am here now - so let's see what our cards and affirmations are for Wednesday!

Whatever your star sign - enjoy your day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the
 Wisdom Cards

by Louise L Hay

Illustrated by Eris Klein and Sarajo Frieden

Quoted from the pack: "A deck of 64 Affirmation Cards to help you develop your Inner Wisdom."
These cards are all about the power of positive thought!

My personal card for today:


Affirmation: I Bless my Family with Love. 

If I want love and acceptance from my family, then I must have love and acceptance for them.


Today's cards for each of the star signs:
These cards are a bit different from some of the others I use, as they are a affirmation cards.

Read your message, think about its meaning and relevance to you and your situation, and use the affirmation throughout the day to remind yourself of its message - and change your thinking!

Affirmation: I speak and think positively 

I listen to what I say. If I hear myself using negative or limiting words, I change them.

Affirmation: There is a Solution to every Problem. 

We create habits and problems to fulfil a need. When I can find a positive way to fulfil the need, I can release the problem.

Affirmation: I freely Express who I Am. 
It is my birthright to express myself in ways that are fulfilling to me.

Affirmation: I Love being Me. 

I no longer judge or criticize myself. I am free to love who I am.

Affirmation: I treat myself with Unconditional Love. 

I feel my heart opening, and I know that there is room in there for me.

Affirmation: I am a Yes person. 

If I dwell on what I don’t want, then I will get more of it. I affirm only the good in my life. - 100% Free Dating

Affirmation: Each person is part of the harmonious whole. 

I choose to believe that “everyone is always helpful.” Therefore, wherever I go in life, people are there to help me.

Affirmation: I am a Harmonious Being. 

I am in harmony with all of the people, places, and things that surround me in this world. I am at peace.

Affirmation: I Release the Past with Ease, and I Trust the Process of Life. 

I do not use yesterday’s mental garbage to create tomorrow’s experiences. I create fresh new thoughts and a fresh new life.

Affirmation: I Am a natural Winner. 

I only listen to the winners - people who know what they are doing and who live a joyous, loving, prosperous Life.

Affirmation: I have Unlimited Potential. 

Loving myself and thinking joyful, happy thoughts is the quickest way to create a wonderful life.

Affirmation: I am pure Spirit. 

I am aware that I am pure consciousness. I am not lonely or lost or abandoned. I am one with all of life.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!