Piggy Personality Test Results

Here are the Results for the Piggy Personality Test! 

Do not read until AFTER you have drawn your pig!

If you haven't drawn your pig yet, here are the instructions again.

Get a smallish, square piece of blank paper, and draw a picture of a pig on it.

Just a basic, simple drawing.

There's no need to spend all day on it, and don't say "but I can't draw!"

This isn't a competition!


You may continue :)

The pig serves as a useful test of the personality traits of the person who drew it.

If the pig is drawn:

Toward the top of the paper - you are positive and optimistic.

Toward the middle - you are a realist.

Toward the bottom - you are pessimistic, and have a tendency to behave negatively.

Facing left - you believe in tradition, are friendly and remember dates (birthdays, etc.)

Facing right - you are innovative and active, but don't have a strong sense of family, nor do you remember dates.

Facing front (looking at you) - you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.

With many details - you are analytical, cautious and distrustful.

With few details - you are emotional and naive, you care little for details and are a risk-taker.

With less than 4 legs showing - you are insecure or are living through a period of major change.

With 4 legs showing - you are secure, stubborn and stick to your ideals.

The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. The bigger the better.

The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life! (Again, more is better!)

Okay, so who didn't draw a tail?!! *giggle*

Here's the Pig that I drew (before I'd read and typed out the results)!

Kaz's piggy test

No comment about the tail...

Ha ha ha!
