Friday 19 October 2012

Weekend Divination Cards - Friday 19th October 2012

Good morning!

If you are interest in manifestation and manifestation techniques - read on ;)

If you're friends with me on Facebook you will see that last night I sent a Cosmic Order - a wish to the Universe - as it is my intention to manifest the home of my dreams!

I have been living in rented accomodation for last last 12 years, since moving back to the UK and have had to move home 7 times during that time.

I consider myself very lucky and I am living in a lovely bungalow at the moment, right next door to my parents home - however, it is difficult to truly put down roots, as I know the landlord could knock on my door at any time and give me just 6 weeks notice to move out (as has happened previously). I also know that they do intend to sell this property sometime soonish...

Also, because it's not my property, I cannot make the changes that I would like to do. I have to get permission if I want to paint the rooms, in case the landlord doesn't like my colour choices, etc., etc. My landlord is lovely and I am very happy living here, however, I long for my own home - on a permanent basis - somewhere I can finally settle and put down roots and live how I want to live.

As I am no in a position to buy a property, in my current circumstances, I decided to make a Cosmic Order!

In the past I manifested (or "magicked-up"!) a laptop computer and £2000 - when I was in desperate need, soon after I moved back to England in 2001.

I used a visualisation/manifestation technique where you have to visualise, in great detail, exactly what you want to manifest!

I didn't know anything about laptops back then, and hadn't really seen any up close! So I pictured in my mind's eye a typical image of what I thought it would look like, and imagined opening it and thought it would be great if it had some purple and lilac features inside! (So it would match my shop at the time!)

Then I imagined using it and the feelings I would have - such as happiness and excitement (because I'd always wanted to have a laptop), and pictured the good I would be able to do with it - like keeping up with my emails and In*Sync (a little ezine I used to put together) and writing to the people who sent me distant healing requests, etc.

I imagined me seeing it, touching it, hearing it and smelling it (using all the senses except taste - because I didn't think needing to lick it was a likely event!) and I imagined the feelings of joy I would have.

Then I said aloud the following words:

Blessed are the laws of the Universe
Blessed is its boundless plenty
Blessed is the swiftness with which it is wrought
Blessed is the total good in which all shall be achieved
Blessed is my desire for it is even now fulfilled

After that I just forgot about it. It's no good trying to work out just how the abundant universe is going manifest your desire - that actually blocks it from happening!

Things come to us in amazing ways that we couldn't begin to imagine - if we let them. So you have to let go of the desire and leave it up to the powers that be!!

When, a few weeks later my laptop was delivered (under amazing circumstances, which I havent time to share with you today!) I suddenly remembered my visualisation and I thought to myself "if there is purple inside when I open, it I shall scream..."

Waaaahh!! There was!

There was purple and lilac, and lilac writing on the keys!! (It was a Sony VAIO). I was thrilled and amazed... and humbled and, of course, SO grateful!

Some years later, I tried it again - to manifest my soulmate! It was different in that I could not visualise the person - as I did not know what he would look like! However, I listed the traits I was looking for in my ideal man, the interests we would share, the things we would have in common, etc., etc.

Well this Cosmic Order took it's time - I waited a few years for Richard to be delivered to me, but it was well worth the wait ;)

Now it is time for me to manifest my future home!

The difference this time being that I have seen my dream home, I know where it is (close to here) and I can, and have, visualised myself and my family there.

So here is my letter to the Universe and the powers that be:

* * *   *   * * * 

Dear Universe,
this is my dream house!

dream home
It's near where I live now, and perfectly located. There's plenty of room for all the family to gather for our frequent, large family get-togethers. The garden is absolutely gorgeous - and there's a weeping willow in it - my favourite tree!

weeping willow
I can just see Maisie sniffing about, exploring the garden, Ziya layng out in the sun and my grandaughter (and future granchildren) playing happily for hours, when they come to stay with their Nanna and Richard, during the Summer holidays...

dream home
I can see big family Christmas celebrations - the house filled with fairy lights and sparkly things and so much love and laughter..

dream home
This is my dream. This is my home-in-waiting... it's waiting for me!

I put out my Cosmic Order to you, to manifest this home for me and my family and I give thanks, dear Universe, for making my dream a reality...

It's over to you now :)

In gratitude, always, Kaz xxx
* * *   *   * * *

I have to put out my wish and must now leave the Universe to work out the details!

I hope this post has inspired you to start manifesting something for yourselves :)

Whatever your star sign - have a magical weekend!

Brightest Blessings,
Kaz - 100% Free Dating

This week I am using the  
Power Animal Oracle Cards
by Steven D.Farmer, Ph.D.

Quoted from the pack: "Power Animals are spirit guides in animal form who provide protection, guidance and healing. This deck of 44 oracle cards by Steven Farmer will connect you with animal spirit guides who will advise you about any aspect of your life. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced reader, the enclosed easy-to-follow guidebook provides instructions to help you immediately give accurate readings to yourself and others."

My personal card for today:



HONOR your soul's purpose 

Divinatory meaning: It's time to stop fooling yourself and get moving on your soul's path. Pay attention to the subtleties of your experience; and listen very, very carefully to those urgings that are begging you to honor the deepest truth of who you are - not what you think everyone else will approve of, but the path that heeds the voice of your soul that's been calling to since before you were born.

Every experience up to this point in your life has shaped you, and even the lives that you've lived before exert their karmic influence. At this point you can no longer live your life driven solely by ego. Instead, it's important to consciously and consistently attune to your most profound sense of self and align with Spirit's intent. It will take courage and faith to dive to these depths, but you have indeed funded the power and the strength to do so. claim the destiny that you know is yours, and act on it now

Additional Associations: Migration; Devotion; Communication; Soul Memory

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...


YOU ARE ABLE TO SEE what is in store for the future 

Additional Associations: Prophecy; Divination; Risk-taking; Gentleness


TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS to guide you through this situation 

Additional Association: Gentleness; Cunning; Grace; Purity



Additional Associations: Generosity; Gratitude; Surrender; Sacrifice


Get ready for BIG CHANGES 

Additional Associations: Gathering; Activity; Alertness; Guardian


Dig in and see it through to COMPLETION 

Additional Associations: Self-reliance; Determination; Assertiveness; Willingness


Pay attention to your DREAMS AND VISIONS 

Additional Association: Primal; Ancient; Reflexive; Spontaneous


SLOW DOWN, pause, and breathe 

Additional Associations: Love; Soul; Domesticity; Spirituality


APPRECIATE THE BEAUTY inside and all around you 

Additional Associations: Elegance; Purity; Innocence



Additional Association: Flexibility; Sensitivity; Vibration; Colour



CLEAR OUT the clutter 

Additional Associations: Singing; Rhythm; Rainmaker; Sensitivity


BE GRATEFUL for all you are blessed with 

Additional Association: Nurturing; Generosity; Abundance; Family


YOU KNOW who you really are 

Additional Associations: Colourfulness; Mirage; Mystery; Deception