Thursday 20 September 2012

Daily Divination Cards - Thursday 20th September 2012

Good morning!

Unlike yesterday, I'm not having a very 'magickal' day today...

It's all been about 'technical' problems so far - including my modem not working first thing - but I managed to sort that out, thankfully (otherwise I wouldn't be here now)!

I've been on the phone with 'tech support' and googling various techy things I knew little about (to do with trying to redirect my old website to my ebay store). The webhost service seems to be making things very complicated! Fingers crossed, that will be sorted out soon and hopefully I'll hear positive things back from them later today...

I'm very pleased with my new Halloween mugs which arrived yesterday!

I'm in the process of listing them on ebay - still got a couple more to do - but here's a sample:

I've only had a few printed, to see if anyone likes them...

My Menopausal Mugs are back in stock again - these are proving to be my most popular design!

It would seem that there are a lot of us menopausal witches around :D

I have just had to put the heating on! It's so cold today. Now I just need another coffee - then I must get on with some more work.

No rest for this cheeky wicked witch!

I hope you find that your message (below) is insightful and relevant - and whatever your star sign - have a great day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week we are addressing the 'inner child' because I am using the
Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards 
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
Quoted from the pack: "With the Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards deck, you can receive messages and guidance related to your present life, your future, and your spiritual path. Suitable for adults and children of all ages, each card features a beautiful unicorn painting and a life-affirming message. The enclosed easy-to-follow guide book, allows you instantly give accurate readings to yourself and others."

These cards are beautiful and the messages are simple, innocent and child-like. They can be used to help teach your child how to use and work with guidance cards, but also it is nice to address our own 'inner child' at times... so that's what we're doing this week!


My personal card for today:


The best way to be good at a skill is to practice, practice, practice until you get it right.

Do you want to know why some people are really good at sports, music or art? They practice these skills a lot! This card is a sign that you need to practice a skill that’s important to you so that you can be really good at it.

As you practice, some days you’ll feel stronger than other, yet you’ll notice that your skills improve the more you use them. So have patience with yourself and your teachers. It may take time for you to learn how to do something in the best way. Practice really is the best way to improve your skills.

As you practice, you’ll learn new ways and methods. You’ll also enjoy yourself more as you get better at your new skills. So, whether your dream is to paint, write, dance, sing, or do crafts, practice is one way to make your dreams come true.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Recognising your inner child, try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

You are gifted 

Quick message: You are very intelligent and talented.

If people don't understand you, don't let it bother you. What's important is that you remember who you are: a smart, wise, talented, and gifted person. Although you may be different from other people, you have a lot to offer. Use your talents to help others. Finish any projects that you start, and know that you're a gift to the world in many special ways!


Quick message: It’s time to clearly make a decision about what you want.

If you ever feel stuck, as if your life isn't moving along smoothly, then you need to make clear decisions about what you want. Decisions are magical, in that they get things moving again. If you don't like the direction in which your life is going, you can examine your decisions to see if they need changing. The best decisions will make you feel happy, and will make the people around you happy, too.

Try something new 

Quick message: You'll only know that you can do something if you try!

One reason why you may feel bored is that you’re doing the same things over and over. To feel excited about life, you need to try new things! This card asks you to think of something that you’ve always wanted to do, and then learn about it. Stretch yourself beyond what you think you can do. You may find that you really enjoy this new activity, and you’ll most likely make new friends too.

Brothers and Sisters 

Quick message: To get along with others, see the love - and the best - within them.

Sometimes family members take stress out on each other, so you may feel angry or hurt by a brother or sister (or close friend). Instead of fighting with them, first take a moment. Can you see the best within them? Can you think of a time when you felt a lot of love for them? By drawing this card, the unicorns want you to know that your brother, sister, or friend really needs your love and understanding right now. You have the power to help everyone get along.

Let go of stress 

Quick message: Don't take on other people's stress. Breathe it out now.

Now, think of something that makes you feel happy. You can also talk to a friend, a pet, or your angels and unicorns. You don’t have to feel stress, anger, or sadness. You have the power to choose your thoughts and feelings. The unicorns hope that you’ll choose to feel happy right now.

Relax - Everything's okay 

Quick message: Don't worry... it's all going to be fine.

Your current situation will be over soon, and you’ll be fine. You’ll learn life lessons that will help you in the future. So use this current time to make yourself stronger. Breathe deeply, try your best to stay positive and happy, and remember to relax because everything’s going to be okay.

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Just be yourself 

Quick message: You're a great person - enjoy being yourself.

Sometimes you may worry whether people like you. At those times, you may pretend to be somebody other than yourself. For example you may try to act, talk, or dress like someone you admire. This card says that you’re great right now! You don’t need to act like anyone else. In fact, things will go a lot better, and you’ll feel a lot happier, if you’ll just be yourself.

Finish what you started 

Quick message: You've started something important, and now it's time to complete it.

It's actually easier to finish something than it is to deal with feelings related to the project being incomplete. The easiest way to finish is to spend daily time working on it a little bit. What can you do today to bring the project to completion? If you're unsure, ask your angels and unicorns for help. They can give you ideas, as well as the energy to work on finishing what you've started. You'll thank them and yourself after the task is done!

Happy Surprise 

Quick message: Something very good is about to happen.

You’re in for a treat, as you’ll soon have a very happy surprise. Don’t try to guess what will happen… or it won’t be a surprise! Instead, just feel excited and joyous. All surprises are gifts of love. The more you notice them and say “Thank you,” the more gifts you’ll continue to receive. Have faith, because the world really does love to give to you. The world loves it when you’re happy.

Quick message: Start a project related to something you're curious about.

This card asks you to start a special project that allows you to learn more about this topic. Make the time to read about the area related to your curiosity. Interview experts who are working in the field. Create an experiment or science project to help you learn more. In other words, use your curiosity as fuel to drive you forward toward a better understanding of yourself and your world.

One step at a time 

Quick message: Lots of little steps make big dreams come true.

This card says that you have a big dream, but you may not know how to make it happen. The unicorns want you to know that your dream can come true if you’ll focus on taking one small step at a time. If you will just do one or two things a day related to your dream, it will come true more quickly than you can imagine!

Quick message: What would you see, feel, think, and hear if your wish came true?

When you imagine your dream coming true, and notice all your feelings, thoughts, words and visions, you help make it happen! This is the power of the human imagination. It’s sometimes called “faith.” You may be surprised when your wish comes true in a better way than you think. Let yourself see all sorts of wonderful dreams and wishes. And have faith that they’ll come true in ways beyond your greatest imagination! - 100% Free Dating