Wednesday 20 June 2012

Daily Divination Cards - Wednesday 20th June 2012

Good morning!

There is Magic in the air today!

When I took Maisie out for her walk we went our usual route - along the road, round the corner, heading for a little passage-way through to the beach.

It was quiet and peaceful and I was lost in thought, but then became aware of a bunch of very noisy birds. I looked across the road and there were several crows making a right racket!

One in particular was quite a lot larger than the others and it sat on top of a garden statue, watching me as I walked past. I was mesmerised by the magnificent-looking crow and thought "Oooh... Magic and messages..."

Maisie was in a hurry to get to the beach and was pulling me along the path, as we turned the next corner, there in the middle of the path was a crow's feather!

I picked it up, but at the same moment 2 dogs in a garden adjoining the passage-way started barking like crazy at Maisie (as they do most days) and I had a little struggle hanging on to Maisie in the ensuing 'fracas' and lost the feather.

We carried on up to the beach, Maisie was enjoying sniffing out the latest 'news' and then demanded that I throw her ball in the sea for her to play 'swim-fetch'. (I took a video but haven't sussed out her to upload it from my iphone on to here yet!)

After a while we headed along the shoreline and I suddenly spotted a smooth round stone with a cross (X) on it - it looked like the rune 'Gebo' - "hmmm - Gift!" I thought...

We headed back home and as we came off the beach we passed another noisy crow, 'cawing' at me from a rooftop.

I don't know if it's just me - but from past experience, noticing signs, signals and coincidences, seeing the crows, crow feather and 'gebo' means to me that magic is in the air - that something (hopefully) good or exciting is coming...

Or maybe I'm just crazy?!

Time will tell ;)

Whatever your star sign - I hope you have a magical day too :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the
 Saints and Angels Oracle Cards 

by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Quoted from the pack: "Now you can easily receive messages and guidance from beloved saints such as Mother Teresa, Bernadette, Joan of Arc, Hildegard, Padre Pio, Anthony, Francis, and Cecilia. Doreen Virtue has created a nondenominational deck of oracle cards that people from various spiritual and religious backgrounds are sure to appreciate and enjoy.

Forty-four cards with breathtaking artwork depicting God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, saints, archangels, and guardian angels give you answers and gentle advice. A guidebook accompanying the cards thoroughly explains how to receive guidance about the present and future, how to give an accurate reading to another person, and the general meaning of the card's message."

My personal card for today:


CONFIDENCE - St. Michael the Archangel

Divinatory Meaning: Archangel Michael is with you, shoring up your confidence so that you can fearlessly face (and enjoy) the tasks before you. This archangel is protecting you against negativity, helping you to remain optimistic and filled with faith, ensuring that only people and situations of high integrity come to you.

Have confidence in God's power to keep you safe and secure. As you enter into a new phase of your life, it's natural to feel intimidated by change. You may worry whether you're prepared and qualified for what's ahead of you. Remember, though, that God won't bring you anything that you're unable to do. Heaven also ensures that you have powerful companions, such as Archangel Michael, to help you in all ways.

Archangels are the overseers of our personal guardian angels, and Michael's name means "He who is like God." He's described in both biblical testaments as a prince, and depicted as fighting against lower energy in order to protect us all. Many people report miraculous rescues and protection as a result of calling upon him, and for that reason, he's a patron saint of police officers, security guards, and sailors. St. Michael, the Archangel, will help you feel safe and confident if you call upon him.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

HIGHER EDUCATION - Guardian Angel 

Quick message: our angel is guiding you to gain further education, either by attending school or through independent study. Higher education refers to instruction with a spiritual basis, so this is a message for you to study topics that capture your true interests. For instance, if there’s a spiritually based service career that you yearn for, now is the time to begin looking at furthering your knowledge in that area. Give any worries about having enough time, money, or skill to your angel. You’re being pushed to learn more as a result of your prayers for increased fulfilment. Trust that this door is opening for you at the right time, and walk through it with full faith.

PEACEFUL - Holy Spirit 
Quick message: The Holy Spirit has descended upon you and the situation that you are enquiring about. Get in touch with this Divine energy by focusing upon the peace that’s deep within your heart… This might require that you spend some quiet time alone in stillness. Rest assured that the Holy Spirit’s peace is pervading this situation and opening the hearts of everyone involved. It brings about compassion so that everyone can see each other’s point of view. This engenders forgiveness, which then opens and smoothes the path to peacefulness.

BE BRAVE - Guardian Angel 

Quick message: Although it may feel as if you're unsafe or in the dark, your guardian angel assures you that you are completely safe, protected and guided. Don't be fooled by illusions of fear - instead, be courageous and shore up your personal strength. There's a blessing in this situation, and by focusing on finding that benefit, you're sure to discover it. Your role is to stay positive, speak your truth and be brave.


Quick message: This situation is an opportunity for you to learn some important life lessons. Instead of looking at this experience as a problem, see it as something that will help you to learn and grow. Your guardian angel will help you see the current situation in a more positive light, as well as identify the lessons involved and heal away unwanted patterns. Simply ask your angel for help with these issues, and then pay attention to any loving thoughts or feelings that guide you to take action.

FORGIVENESS - St. Mary Magdalene 

Quick message: The answer to your question involves letting go of resentment, judgment and anger. You already know who or what to forgive: It's the first person or situation that comes to mind... Unforgiveness only hurts you, not the person with whom you are angry. You’re preparing for a wonderful new chapter of your life, and forgiveness is part of your preparation. Call upon St Mary Magdalene to help you to forgive or be forgiven so that you can move on with your life and your dreams.

DON’T COMPROMISE - St. Agnes of Rome 

Quick message: You’re asked to take a stand in favour of your truth and self-esteem. You don’t need to compromise to get what you want, and you can live by the truth of your beliefs. St. Agnes is your guide and role model in this aspect. She shows that in love relationships - as well as career, home, health and other life areas - you mustn’t compromise your values. As God's holy child, you deserve to be treated with love, respect and dignity. Accept nothing less. - 100% Free Dating

RETREAT - Guardian Angel 

Quick message: This is a strong and clear message for you to go on a retreat as soon as possible. Your guardian angels want you to have some peace and quiet time, because you need to rest, rejuvenate and regroup. You'll gain new insights and the answers you seek, as well as develop a better understanding of the direction you need to go in and which step to take next.

STEADY PROGRESS - St. Therese of Lisieux

Quick message: You’ve been making steady progress, and it’s important for you to recognise that this progress (not perfection) is what’s important. This is a message for you to appreciate how much you’ve already achieved and how many people you’ve helped along the way.


Quick message: Practice, practice, practice… that’s the message that your guardian angel has for you. The way for your to achieve what you’re asking about is to practice your craft regularly. This is a positive message for you to spend more time doing what you love.

EMOTIONS - St. Dymphna 

Quick message: The answer to your question involves emotions - either yours or those of the person you’re enquiring about. This is also a message for you to pay closer attention to your emotions. It’s safe for you to admit your true feelings to yourself. This card is also a message for you to trust your feelings, especially as they guide you to make positive changes. Your feelings are the voice of Heaven speaking through you, and you have a right to them, even if others disagree with them. You can also release any upsetting emotions to God, St Dymphna and the angels for healing and guidance.

CHILD - Guardian Angel 

Quick message: Your prayers for the little ones are given high priority and are always answered. This card is a message that you are being used as an Earth angel on behalf of children. The angels will help you in this endeavor if you’ll ask for their assistance and guidance.

YOU FOUND IT! St. Anthony of Padua 

Quick message: This message is about finding something of great value, such as your life path or a lost item. St. Anthony asks you to have faith that you have found (or will soon find) what you're looking for. Both St. Anthony and the Archangel Chamuel can help you locate lost items. Call upon them both (either silently or aloud) and ask then to help you. Then pay attention to your inner guidance, such as gut feelings, visions or thoughts. Follow this wisdom, and you’ll find the item. And if for some reason it doesn’t immediately return, hold the faith that it will come back to you in Divine timing.