Monday 29 September 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Monday 29th September 2014

Good morning!

I cannot believe that it's been a month since my last blog!

The weeks have passed so quickly...

First I had the Grand Witches Tea Party in Exeter - and it was wonderful!

Click on this photo to read about the adventures Richard and I had on our day trip to the West Country...

This is a short video clip Richard recorded, of part of the ceremony - which was very moving...

The event was even featured on the One show on the BBC! We were pleasantly surprised how sensitively the Tea Party was presented! Here's a clip of that!

Click on this pic to see some of the photos Richard took at the Tea Party.

The week following the The Grand Witches Tea Party was spent getting ready for the 'Made in Sussex Craft and Food Fair'. Making more hats, jewellery, talisman bags, etc... I was working nonstop for days in preparation!

My daughter, Lucy, came along to the Fair to help out at my stall and we did have a lovely day - it was fun working together.

Craft Fair

Unfortunately, however, the date of the Craft Fair clashed with another, bigger, event nearby - which apparently was jam-packed with people - and so we didn't do anywhere near as well as we'd hoped.

Hours and hours of hard work and very little sleep leading up to the event- and not very many sales on the day... so it was back to down to earth with a very big bump after that!

I had intended to restart the Daily Divinations the week after the Craft Fair, but I was exhausted and had lots of things to try to sort out. Re-organising my stock, getting things back online in my ebay shop, etc.

I also had some 'unpleasantness' to deal with on my Facebook page, from a couple of people, but I was overwhelmed by the love and support from my FB followers :)

The next week (Monday 15th) after getting up early, so I could get myself organised and do the cards, I switched on the computer and had nothing but problems!

I had to uninstall and reinstall programs and browsers - I had problems with one of my email accounts and was on and off the phone for a couple of days with 'tech support' trying to get it sorted out - finally getting my account to work again, but only after losing lots of saved emails and folders!

So I got behind with my orders, correspondence, etc.


Which brings me to last week! When I was rather poorly for a few days.

I've been feeling really drained and stressed, with lots of worries and I guess it caught up and everything got on top of me...

I'm still under a lot of stress (financial mostly - same as everyone) however, my wonderful boyfriend, Richard, surprised me with a trip to one of my favourite places on Saturday! Hever Castle! (The childhood home of Anne Boleyn.)

I have always felt a connection with this place - and it's a such a beautiful place to visit.

I was treated to an absolutely delicious lunch in the Moat Restaurant, then we had a very interesting walk around inside the castle, followed by a leisurely stroll through the gorgeous gardens...

It was a wonderful day and has given me a much-needed boost!

Hever Castle has such a fascinating history, if you have never visited I can highly recommend it! I just love it there!

So that's what happened during the month that I've been missing from here, but now I am back!

I am using the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards this week.

My personal card, as usual, is very relevant - I hope your card is too!

Please find your message for Monday below, and whatever your star sign - enjoy your day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards

by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Quoted from the pack: "By popular demand, Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on her best-selling book Archangels and Ascended Masters. The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesh, Merlin, Saint Germain, apollo, Pallas athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green man, and Kuthumi. The enclosed guide book gives expanded explanations of each card's meaning, and a brief history of the particular ascended master. As with all of Doreen's oracle card decks, the messages for the cards are positive, accurate and life-affirming."

My personal card for today:

Krishna - Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation.
Every situation offers opportunities to grow and learn. When we curse a situation, we block its energy flow and things fester and grow worse. In contrast, as you recognize the blessings within your current situation, supportive and healing energy flows toward you. This card comes to you because there’s an unrecognized blessing within your current situation. It could be something that you’ve learned or gained for example. Recognize the blessing to accelerate the healing and manifestation that’s trying to come to you.

Additional meanings for this card: Instead of worrying, pray and use positive affirmations * Know that everything’s in Divine and perfect order * This situation is resolving itself perfectly * You heal through the power of gratitude.

Krishna is the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, who is one of the three Hindu gods who oversees and protects earth and her inhabitants. He is a messenger of joy, happiness, romantic love, and spiritual teachings (such as Bhagavad Gita, which is a text of Krishna’s dialogues). Krishna brings blessings to whoever calls upon him.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Ganesh - Yes 

Quick message: All the doorways are open for you, and the pathway is clear. Any previous obstacles have been removed. Keep a positive mind-set about the situation to ensure the best possible outcome.

St. Francis - Follow Your Heart 

Quick message: The answer to your question is in your heart. This card signifies that you can trust your heart's true desires, even if you can't clearly see how the outcome will appear or manifest. This is a situation where you are called upon to walk in faith and be true to yourself. The universe will ensure that your needs are met and will help your relationships as you make life changes.

Babaji - Yoga
Quick message: Babaji and the other ascended masters guide you to do yoga regularly. Yoga's benefits are one of the answers to your question. Through yoga, you'll gain increased clarity, energy, flexibility, toning, and psychic awareness. You may also meet wonderful new friends and have fun at yoga classes.

El Morya - Clear and Shield Your Energy 

Quick message: As a sensitive person, you've absorbed some harsh and toxic energy from other people. This card asks you to stop and call on El Morya and Archangel Michael to clear yourself. They can also clear and elevate the energies in other people, your home, or your office. After clearing yourself, ask them to shield you from further intrusions. This process, called "shielding", needs to be conducted once or twice a day. You can also wear a crystal pendant to act as a buffer in harsh energy situations.

Lugh - Persistence 

Quick message: Through persistent action and positive thinking, your dreams are manifesting into form. This is a time for you to stay persistent. Give any discouragement to Lugh and the angels, who will buoy your faith and give you signs of your progress. You're almost there, so keep going.

Epona - Crystals 

Quick message: This card comes to you as a sign that you'd benefit from working with crystals. Epona, the fairy queen, knows the value of connecting with the spirit if nature. Carry or wear crystals throughout the day for healing, protection, and increased intuition.

Thoth - Write 

Quick message: You drew this card as a concrete reminder to write. You've been receiving lots of signs and feelings to write lately, so let this card be the message that leads you to take action. Get out a pad of paper or your laptop computer and begin writing. Just express your thoughts and feelings as they flow into your mind and body.

Amaterasu - Come Out of the Closet 

Quick message: It's time for you to make your real feelings and beliefs known. This card asks you to reveal who you really are to yourself and others. This may involve a heart-to-heart discussion with a loved one or allowing other people to see your true nature. You will be spiritually supported in this process, and the ascended masters will help you to be lovingly honest. As a result of coming out of the closet, your relationships will deepen because you'll know that you're loved for who you really are.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha - Meditate 

Quick message: This card is a call for you to meditate regularly. Your path, body and soul are asking for quiet time to reflect, think, and receive insights. Even a small amount of time devoted to daily meditation will bring you great gifts.

Green Man - Retreat into Nature 

Quick message: You've been indoors too long and you need a refreshing break from stressful conditions. No matter how busy you are, there's always time to pause for fresh air. This card comes to you today with a strong message for you to spend time alone outdoors. The healing effects of nature will revive your energy and outlook, and you'll return to home or work with new ideas and a fresh perspective.

Kuthumi - Stay Focused
Quick message: You drew this card as a reminder to stay focused upon your intentions, desires, and priorities. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by short-term situations, dramas or other people's demands. Keep a positive outlook about your dreams, and imagine they've already manifested. Devote regular amounts of time toward your projects and priorities. Say no to distractions and you will see results.

Pallas Athena - Detach from Drama 

Quick message: You’ve been drawn into the upsetting world of human egos by focusing upon a drama. This card comes to you as a helping hand to detach from the drama. Don’t get pulled into the various plots, twists, turns and characters, instead, view it as a movie that will have a happy (or at least resolved) ending. You will have compassion for everyone involved, but don’t let it pull you down. Focus on bringing about a positive resolution.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!