Wednesday 20 August 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Wednesday 20th August 2014


I almost forgot to do the cards!

So much going on and so many different things to think about.

Changes, new ideas, things to create, decisions to make...

My card for today seems quite appropriate!

Please find your message for Wednesday below, and whatever your star sign - enjoy your day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the  
Angels of Light Cards

by Diana Cooper

Quoted from the pack: "Angels are high spiritual beings. They come from the heart of God as guides, protectors, helpers and healers. Angels are willing and able to help us in many ways throughout our lives, all we need to do is call on them and they will respond. Allow these cards to help you bring them into your life.

Diana Cooper, best selling author of 'A Little Light on Angels', 'A Little Light on Ascension' and 'A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws' has created this beautiful new set of cards. This pack contains 52 cards, a 48 page booklet and a velvet bag which will allow you to carry the cards wherever you go."
(These cards do not have different illustrations just the beautiful image below on the back and all text on the front.

My personal card for today:

It is time to set your sights higher.

If you are settling for the mediocre, aim for the superb. Stretch yourself to fulfil all your potential and hold mighty visions.

Find the wisdom within you which enables you to aspire to the great and glorious.

Then expand your comfort zones so that you can explore your dreams.

The angels guide you to never settle for less than your incredible human spirit can achieve and deserves.

Ask for help from the angels and they will guide and inspire you to raise your consciousness and live at a higher level.

Let your spirit soar and aim for the Divine.

Affirmation: I aspire to the great and glorious.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Quick message: The angels suggest that you explore your creative potential now. Creativity is an energy for adventure and change. It may herald a new idea, inspiration for a book, an artistic vision or a new project. The angel wisdom reminds you that you are a co-creator with the Divine. Use your power with wisdom and joy.

Affirmation: I enjoy my creative powers and use them for the highest good.

Quick message: Life is full of changes and surprises. Your guidance is to move with the current, for it is resisting the flow which creates problems. Ask your angel to help you open your mind and heart to new ideas and fresh options. When you accept the possibility that there are other ways, previously unseen doorways will be opened to you and you will move easily through change. There is a solution to every problem, so look at all things with eyes of love and expectation. Then life force will flow freely through you.

Affirmation: I am free and flexible.

Quick message: Joy springs from a sense of connection to the Divine and is a quality which illuminates you. Your angel guidance is to cultivate this quality by seeking the Divine in every situation. Look beyond the surface and seek the light in the heart of each person. Then you will become aware of the wonder of creation and joy will ignite your life.

Affirmation: I find joy in everything.

Quick message: Trust the higher forces of life to know what is best for you and remember that when you are asked to wait, you are being prepared for something even better than you expected. So change your attitude to one of acceptance. relax and take stock. Ask you angel to enfold you during this waiting period so that you can listen to the promptings of the Divine.

Affirmation: All things happen at the perfect time.

Quick message: Your angel guidance is to find quiet space for contemplation and look within. It is time to withdraw and review your life. Taking time and space for yourself gives you an opportunity to recuperate from life’s challenges, to reflect on the way ahead, strengthen yourself and prepare for the next phase of your life. During times of introspection, you can become aware of your gifts, your inner reserve and your wisdom. It is a time for healing. You can listen to the prompting of your angels inspiring and guiding you.

Affirmation: I claim time and space for myself.


Quick message: Self-worth bestows a sense of confidence, expectation of success and ability to love. When you value yourself, you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. With true self-worth, you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angels to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

Quick message: Faith is such a powerful quality that it moves mountains. Angel wisdom reminds you, however, not to have blind faith in people or situations. Use common sense and discernment and never give your power to another. Instead put your faith in yourself and the higher powers. Pray with integrity from your still, wise centre and know that your request will be granted. Act as if it has already manifested. That is faith.

Affirmation: I have faith in the support of the Universe.

Quick message: The angels remind you that every situation or person is placed on your path with a purpose. It may be to strengthen you, offer you an opportunity to resolve or forgive the past, release old patterns, or for enjoyment. Your life purpose is ultimately to do that which brings you joy, satisfaction and fulfilment. Your guidance is to ask your angel to help you find the purpose of your current situation or, if you are ready, your life mission.

Affirmation: I am strong and determined.

Quick message: Angel wisdom reminds you that your every thought, word, emotion and action is reflected in your aura. When you are honest, your aura is crystal clear. Everyone knows where they are with you and feels totally safe. When you are totally honest with yourself, you behave with integrity and dare to be open, for there is nothing to hide. people respect and trust you. As you radiate a resonance of honesty, people respond to you with openness and honesty in their turn.

Affirmation: I am honest in thought, word and deed.

Quick message: Thoughts are the building bricks of life, for everything begins with a thought. Add creativity to thoughts and you have imagination. Every castle starts as a castle in the air. This image is then grounded by architects and builders. The angels are inviting you to use the power of your creative imagination to expand your horizons and picture the life you want. When you hold a vision, the angels see the clarity of your intention and open doors to help you. Be certain that you have the purest intentions. Then image your dreams and start the process of creation.

Affirmation: I picture positive outcomes for the highest good.

Quick message: Angel wisdom reminds you that a busy cluttered mind is a sick one and a clear mind is a divine one. Allow the wisdom in your heart to radiate out and dissolve the chatter of your mind. Know that your angel has drawn this to your attention and is waiting to help you in your task. You will soon see things differently and be able to make decisions from strength and clarity.

Affirmation: My mind is quiet, still and clear.


Quick message: Only the brave and open hearted dare to allow themselves to be vulnerable, for it requires courage to take down all walls and expose your humanness. Your angel guidance is to become aware of your defence mechanisms, which keep you separate from others and the Divine. Ask your angels to help you dissolve your masks and barriers so that your fragile true self can emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon.

Affirmation: Vulnerability is my strength.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!