Wednesday 13 August 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Wednesday 13th August 2014

Good morning/afternoon!

I've had a busy morning - catching up with things after a weird and frustrating day yesterday!

It felt like a Mercury Retro day - my emotions were all over the place (because of the news about Robin Williams, which brought up some painful old memories and feelings) and on top of that, I had issues with connections...

Ebay was offline for several hours, which meant I couldn't do my ebay stuff (thankfully I was able to do my Amazon orders).

Also, my Sky box hasn't been picking up a signal for several days - so I finally rang them and they're sending someone out on Friday - so I have no tv to relax in front of - something I like to do for a couple of hours after a stressful day...

So I decided to get online and do some more work - but could not get an internet connection! I tried for about an hour and then gave up and went to bed VERY early!

Thankfully today has been a great day so far and I have an internet connection too! Yay!

I've caught up with emails and queries, paid some bills and ordered some stock - now it's time to make some orders - but first the cards!

Please find your message for Wednesday below and whatever your star sign - have a wonderful day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the
 The Answer Is Simple Oracle Cards

by Sonia Choquette

Quoted from the pack: "These Oracle cards provide immediate access to your divine Spirit, where you receive specific guidance for any and all challenges facing you in life. Each card not only offers direction for particular proplems, it also reinforces the path to your Higher Self, freeing you from the turbulence and fear of the ego plane.

You can use this deck (and the accompanying guide book) for specific direction, meditation, and life and purpose readings and to offer guidance to others; as well as to connect to your Divine Self, where drama and stress give way to joy and inner peace.

My personal card for today:

Just Laugh
Full message:

The answer is simple: JUST LAUGH - It’s time to brighten your mood. No matter how sombre or intimidating life appears right now, don’t allow your ego to get too serious. Step away from the present situation for a moment and see the humour in what’s in front of you. Call upon the Divine forces of laughter, the great friends of your Holy Spirit, and ask them to help elevate your perspective with humour and mirth.

Laughter is the voice of your Spirit. When you laugh, this part of you is singing, so not only is it time to laugh, but to do so with others as well, especially those with whom you have the greatest challenges. Chuckle at the way your ego postures to isolate you and keep you from feeling your divine power. It’s all so silly and way too much work. If you laugh, it will heal everything.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Turn On the Light 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: TURN ON THE LIGHT - Look to your life with the eyes of your Spirit, not your ego. The ego points out your flaws; your Spirit concentrates on your perfection. The ego sees everything as your failure; your Spirit sees it as process and progress. The ego views itself as separate and alone; the Spirit knows itself to be connected to all and an essential part of the whole. The ego see darkness; the Spirit sees light. If you look with the light of your Spirit, you’ll clearly make out that all is well. Your ego can’t see past its own fears, so all appears dark. Your Spirit turns on the light and thus perceives the value of all your experiences - with it on, you can see that it’s all good.

Look Forward 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: LOOK FORWARD - The ego looks backward and wallows in regret; the spirit looks forward with excitement and wonder. The ego looks down and sees few options; the Spirit looks up and perceives endless possibilities. The ego looks for problems and views itself as a victim; the Spirit seeks out solutions and sees itself as a genius. There’s nothing blocking you except the ego habit of limiting your own view. Glance up and you’ll see doors opening to you. You’re free from the past, so don’t look back anymore. Peer ahead with the light heart of your Spirit. You’ll be delighted by what you see.

You are Not Afraid 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: YOU ARE NOT AFRAID - The ego is always in fear, so it becomes a habit to be afraid in life even when you’re not. As you face present conditions, ask yourself, Am I really scared? And if so, then of what? Listen to your Spirit for the answer. Don’t be surprised to discover that you’re not really afraid at all - you’re just in the habit of believing that you should be. Get past the habit of fear and dive into your new adventure with confidence. Stop fearing and start enjoying the fact that you’re not really afraid after all.

Thank God 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: THANK GOD - The ego focuses on lack and therefore creates it. The Spirit concentrates on the endless stream of gifts God gives us and thus creates that. This is because the greatest blessing the Divine bestows on us is the ability to create what we focus on. Pay attention to all that God gives and you get more; focus on lack and you get less. Thank God throughout the day and you will be blessed with abundance. Offer gratitude for being alive, for the opportunities at hand, and for your challenges and ability to find solutions. Give thanks for your health, your life, your family, and your friends. Show appreciation for your blessings before they arrive. Your ego can discover how to attract flow and abundance if it joins with your Spirit in giving thanks to God for everything to day.

Clean Up Your Mess
Quick message:

The answer is simple: CLEAN UP YOUR MESS - The ego is a prideful entity and doesn’t want to acknowledge that it can be hurtful or cause injury. Because of that, it can do great damage again and again. In fact, the ego can be so self-involved that it may not even be aware that it’s causing trouble, other than to notice the distancing, rejection, anger and sadness that it invokes from others. As you can see, the ego causes damage to others’ Spirits. Therefore, this not only hurts them, it hurts your Spirit as well. This is a time to rein in your ego and set things right. What pain has yours inflicted lately, whether on others or yourself? All things can be healed if only you’re willing to clean up the mess you’ve made of them.

Blow Off Some Steam 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: BLOW OFF SOME STEAM - Whoa! Easy now. Your ego is feeling threatened, so it has moved into “fight or flight,” filling your body with adrenaline, making you ready to come out boxing. When your body is flooded with this hormone, it’s difficult to connect with your Spirit because you’re filled with fear. In this state, you’re likely to make rash decisions, say things you don’t mean, draw conclusions that aren’t accurate, and overreact. The best way to reconnect with your Spirit and find the correct course of action at this time is to blow off some steam. Go to the gym and punch a bag. Hop in the shower and scream at the top o your lungs. Visit the seashore and yell into the wind. Make no decisions while you are riled up. Stay off the phone. Refrain from sending emails - no text messages either. Wait until you have clarity before you act. As your fear subsides, your Spirit will emerge.

Stick With It 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: STICK WITH IT - As you wake up your Spirit and begin to live in the higher frequency of love, the ego becomes confused and wants to resist. This new energy displaces the ego’s power and renders it impotent so it tries to reverse or arrest the changes. Be aware of your ego’s resistance and stay true to your Spirit anyway. Ignore inner ego dialogue that suggests you’re wasting your time, and thus tries to discourage your efforts. Although you may not see instant results, you can feel the change within your cells as you bring more light and love to your being. Stick with your higher intentions and soon you’ll witness the effects in your world.

Get Over Yourself 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: GET OVER YOURSELF - The first step to living your Spirit is to get over yourself, eaning get over your false self - your ego. It’s time to become honest and stop the doomed effort to posture and present your ego to the world as the real you… it isn’t. Thank goodness, because if you step back and observe for a moment, you’ll feel what a high-maintenance entity your ego self is - so high maintenance, in fact, that it leaves no room to focus on, or be much aware of, anything or anyone else beyond the most superficial level. Ask yourself, “Where am I not being authentic? Where am I acting instead of being real? What am I hiding or not revealing about my Spirit?” The world, and especially those close to you, needs the light of your true Self right now. Where is your ego blocking it? Be willing to get over your false self and share your light. This is required of you now and will be healing to all… especially you.

Share Your Gifts
Quick message:

The answer is simple: SHARE YOUR GIFTS - We all have gifts of Spirit that we’re here to share. The ego often discounts them as not good enough, not significant enough, not important enough to make a difference. Don’t fall into this trap and hide them. Know that the simple endowments of Spirit, which are grounded in love and kindness, come from your heart and are needed now, more than anything. Don’t be shy. Share your gifts, as others need your love and kindness now.

Seek an Expert 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: SEEK AN EXPERT - The ego loves to struggle through problems on its own, refusing to seek the support and expertise of others. It likes to be in control and views soliciting assistance as a weakness that it doesn’t want to indulge in. Yet if you had a toothache, would you attempt to fix your own tooth, or would you see a dentist? If your car broke down, would you call for a tow truck or push the vehicle to your destination? The spirit freely seeks the support and assistance of others when help is called for, without hesitation or judgement. Don’t allow the false pride of ego to subject you to suffering through the present when with a little help, you can sail through the choppy waters of these times with grace.

See the Light 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: SEE THE LIGHT - The great illusion of the ego is that it sees itself as less than, or better than, others. This creates a false sense of separation and isolation, cutting you off from the Divine flow of life. The Spirit within knows we’re all of the same Source and honours self and others equally. The ancients called this false sense of ego separation “Stink Eye” - the sad affliction of not seeing the shared beauty of Spirit in all. Where in your life are you suffering from Stink Eye? Where do you feel less than or better than those around you? Where are you feeling inadequate or superior? Where do you feel jealous or indifferent? Angry or insecure? This false perception is robbing you of your right to inner peace, and it cuts you off from Source. To clear the Stink Eye, look for the common elements you share with those from whom you feel separate. See both the human and Divine in yourself as well as others. We all have challenges and weaknesses as well as Divine Light. Free yourself from Stink eye by looking with the eye of Spirit instead of the filters of the ego.

Let Go and Flow 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: LET GO AND FLOW - Your ego is resisting some aspect of life, trying to halt, slow, or control its formidable force. Doing so is like trying to stop the ocean: It’s exhausting and silly because it can’t succeed. Your Spirit, on the other hand, embraces life head-on and rides the ups and downs, the ebb and flow, and the shifts and changes of life with determination and courage. Breathe in, dive in, and embrace all that faces you now. Your ego may be fearful and try to stop change, but your Spirit is ready and able to gracefully handle all that’s coming toward you. Trust this, and embrace the changes at hand.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!