Tuesday 12 August 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Tuesday 12th August 2014

Good morning.

Such a sad day today, waking up to the terrible news of the loss of the very talented and much-loved Robin Williams.

I'm sure that, like me, many of you have felt really effected by this news - even though we did not know him personally - such a tragic loss.

It has stirred up many sad memories too, as my brother took his own life in 1997, and I know how devastating it is for everyone concerned.

My heart goes out to his family and friends.

Rest In Peace Robin Williams.

Please find your message for Tuesday below.

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the 
 The Answer Is Simple Oracle Cards
by Sonia Choquette

Quoted from the pack: "These Oracle cards provide immediate access to your divine Spirit, where you receive specific guidance for any and all challenges facing you in life. Each card not only offers direction for particular proplems, it also reinforces the path to your Higher Self, freeing you from the turbulence and fear of the ego plane.

You can use this deck (and the accompanying guide book) for specific direction, meditation, and life and purpose readings and to offer guidance to others; as well as to connect to your Divine Self, where drama and stress give way to joy and inner peace.

My personal card for today:

Invest in Your Spirit 

Full meaning:

The answer is simple: INVEST IN YOUR SPIRIT

The ego discourages time and energy spent on developing and strengthening your Spirit, calling it wasteful and impractical. Your Spirit, however, knows that anytime you invest in self-care, it will return to you a thousand fold or more in terms of happiness, peace of mind, and abundance in the outer world.

Don’t hesitate to invest in what’s most important to your Spirit now. It may be the investment of time to pray or meditate, in books to discover more about your Spirit, or in a class or seminar to learn from a teacher. It ay be investment of community in order to congregate with others seeking higher vibration as well. Whatever type of resource is called for, see its value and know that, in accordance with Divine Law, you get what you give.

Supply your Spirit with the time, energy, and support it needs in order to be strengthened and grow. There’s no more worthwhile investment right now.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Listen to the Music 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: LISTEN TO THE MUSIC - The bridge to heaven is music, and right now your Spirit is calling you to enjoy its benefits. Don’t allow your ego to diminish its benefits. Don't allow your ego to diminish its importance to your Spirit or cut off from its fuel - music not only regenerates your body, it also raises your vibration and fills your heart with joy and enthusiasm. Turn on the music to gain access to your Higher Self and the Divine Plane of inspiration now. Music will calm the moment. As you listen to it, the heavenly forces will work on your behalf to bring about joyful resolution and a peaceful outcome.

Accept Love 
Quick message:

The answer is simple: ACCEPT LOVE - As a Divine child of the Universe, your Creator fully loves your Holy Spirit. Moreover, your Spirit is pleasing to God and to those around you. Your ego doubts this truth. It whispers into your ear that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, or accomplished enough to be genuinely loved. This is a lie, which you must fight. Ask your Spirit to shed its brilliant illumination onto these dark and fearful thoughts. Breathe in and accept the light and love your Creator has for you. Let it chase away the shadows of self-doubt and judgement away.

Lend a Hand 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: LEND A HAND - The greatest expression of Spirit is to love and serve others, and your Spirit is now called upon to do so. Don’t mistake service with rescue: To serve is an act of great spiritual power, born of love and focused on empowering others; rescue, on the other hand, is born of a fearful ego and keeps both you and others enslaved to weakness. Simply do your part to help those around you become stronger in their Spirit, without judgement or criticism. To serve is to rule, and your service is needed now.

See the Light 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: SEE THE LIGHT - The great illusion of the ego is that it sees itself as less than, or better than, others. This creates a false sense of separation and isolation, cutting you off from the Divine flow of life. The Spirit within knows we’re all of the same Source and honours self and others equally. The ancients called this false sense of ego separation “Stink Eye” - the sad affliction of not seeing the shared beauty of Spirit in all. Where in your life are you suffering from Stink Eye? Where do you feel less than or better than those around you? Where are you feeling inadequate or superior? Where do you feel jealous or indifferent? Angry or insecure? This false perception is robbing you of your right to inner peace, and it cuts you off from Source. To clear the Stink Eye, look for the common elements you share with those from whom you feel separate. See both the human and Divine in yourself as well as others. We all have challenges and weaknesses as well as Divine Light. Free yourself from Stink eye by looking with the eye of Spirit instead of the filters of the ego.

Step Away from the Crowd 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: STEP AWAY FROM THE CROWD - You’re suffering from a case of to much talking, your own and others’. You can’t hear your spirit because it’s being drowned out by too many ego voices and opinions. No doubt about it - you need some time alone. Don’t allow your ego to deny you this important check-in with your Spirit. The more time you allow with your Spirit, the more time you will find for everything else.

It’s Not an Emergency 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: IT’S NOT AN EMERGENCY - Although it’s clear that things are in the midst of change, your ego is creating unnecessary drama, causing you to feel threatened and afraid. Regain clarity by stepping away from the situation, calming your emotions and reconnecting to your Spirit. Take no action until you feel calm and peaceful, knowing that you’re fully protected by your Spirit in every way. Even though it feels as though you must act now, this isn’t true. You’re far better off taking the time you need to get re-centred and re-connected to your spirit first. Only then will it serve you to act.

Reach Out 
Quick message:

The answer is simple: REACH OUT - It’s time to open your heart and arms and touch others with your Spirit. Your ego is putting up a defensive shield, having you believe that there are enemy forces out there from which you must be protected and withdraw. Your Spirit, however, knows that there’s no “them” to defend against - there are just “us” beautiful souls needing to be loved… and right now, needing your love. Your Spirit wants you to connect with others now. Unfold your arms, turn toward those around you, and reach out. Your love and healing forces are needed . Trust yourself to make a difference, and connect.

Take a Breather 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: TAKE A BREATHER - Your ego is making you overwork. Remember that it will never be fully satisfied with what you accomplish and will always create the feeling that you must do more. Right now the best way to reconnect with your Spirit is to step back and catch your breath. Although it may feel as though life will fall apart if you do this, that’s not true. You’ll simply disconnect from the false urgencies of the ego and realign with a higher vibration. Once reconnected to your Spirit, you’ll find that there’s always more than enough time to do what’s important. To take a breather is to have faith in the Divine order of life, God is in charge, so you don’t have to work overtime.

Get Over Yourself 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: GET OVER YOURSELF - The first step to living your Spirit is to get over yourself, eaning get over your false self - your ego. It’s time to become honest and stop the doomed effort to posture and present your ego to the world as the real you… it isn’t. Thank goodness, because if you step back and observe for a moment, you’ll feel what a high-maintenance entity your ego self is - so high maintenance, in fact, that it leaves no room to focus on, or be much aware of, anything or anyone else beyond the most superficial level. Ask yourself, “Where am I not being authentic? Where am I acting instead of being real? What am I hiding or not revealing about my Spirit?” The world, and especially those close to you, needs the light of your true Self right now. Where is your ego blocking it? Be willing to get over your false self and share your light. This is required of you now and will be healing to all… especially you.

Dare to Be Happy 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: DARE TO BE HAPPY - You’re beginning to feel the vibration of joy. This is a sign that your Spirit is finally breaking free from the prison of the ego and you’re reconnecting with your true Divine nature. Your next challenge is to be openly happy, even when those around you don’t readily appreciate, or even encourage, your joy. The ego is intimidated by this emotion because it has no power in that frequency. It prefers to keep people in pain. When you break free of its grip, it will try to lure you back by suggesting that your joy is false or temporary - or worse, that you’ll lose it, so there’s no reason to bother in the first place. Stand tall in the joy of your Spirit. One by one, others will become inspired by your higher vibration and begin to resonate with it, finding their happiness as well.

Tell The Truth 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: TELL THE TRUTH - Your ego doesn’t feel safe, so it hides the truth, both from the world and you. This makes life extremely complicated and exhausting, as you know. You can’t feel authentic unless you interrupt the ego and let your Spirit take over. Start by being honest with yourself. Ask the question If I weren't afraid, I would———. then fill in the blank. Do this several times and your truth will come tumbling forth. Really want the truth of your Spirit to come forward. With it will come the power and inspiration to live it.

Rise and Shine 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: RISE AND SHINE - Begin today with your Spirit leading the way. Rise above the dreary outlook of your ego and let the light of your Spirit shine through. Release all the mental and emotional filters that ego has constructed in your view. No matter what happened yesterday, today is a fresh start. Begin the day shining like a sunrise at sea. Don’t allow your ego to dim your light within you. Let yesterday’s experience go, and shine fresh in the world. Only the ego holds on to the past. The spirit rises and shines and lives in the present time. It’s free from all that has transpired before. So rise with the present and shine your Spirit for all to enjoy…. Especially you.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!