Wednesday 9 April 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Wednesday 9th April 2014

Good morning!

It's a beautiful sunny day again and I am feeling fairly refreshed as I had an early night last night - I was in bed by 9:30pm!

My computer is still driving me nuts at the moment, so when it froze AGAIN last night I just shut it all down and went to bed!

I actually started to read a book - a real book printed on paper! Made a nice change.  I haven't read a 'proper' book in ages.

It's a novel my Mum bought me some time ago, which has been on my bedside table for months! It's called 'The Age of Miracles' by Karen Thompson Walker and it is very interesting - I think I am going to find it a fascinating story to read.

They have been talking on the news recently about how we are all becoming sleep-deprived as our constant connection to the internet interferes with our sleep patterns - and I must say I agree.

I'm usually on the computer until I go to bed, and then I have a look on my iphone at what's going on on Facebook, etc., while I am in bed. If I wake up in the night (which is most nights!) I have a look at my phone to check the time and sometimes a quick look at messages and notifications...

I know it's only Wednesday, but this week I have made a concerted effort to not look at my phone while in bed! It's not easy, but I feel that I have slept a bit better - so I will continue to try to stay off the internet for a while before I go to bed and while I am in bed!

Wish me luck!

Time to get on with the cards!

Please find your message for Wednesday below and whatever your star sign - have a good day :)
Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the 

Ascended Masters Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Quoted from the pack: "By popular demand, Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on her best-selling book Archangels and Ascended Masters. The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesh, Merlin, Saint Germain, apollo, Pallas athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green man, and Kuthumi. The enclosed guide book gives expanded explanations of each card's meaning, and a brief history of the particular ascended master. As with all of Doreen's oracle card decks, the messages for the cards are positive, accurate and life-affirming."

My personal card for today:

Kuthumi - Stay Focused 

You drew this card as a reminder to stay focused upon your intentions, desires, and priorities. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by short-term situations, dramas or other people's demands. Keep a positive outlook about your dreams, and imagine they've already manifested. Devote regular amounts of time toward your projects and priorities. Say no to distractions and you will see results.

Additional meanings for these cards: Be assertive with demands upon your time * Keep your promises to yourself * Commit to your priorities * Spend time each day devoted to projects that are dear to your heart * Detoxify your diet to help your mind be clear and focused.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha - Meditate
Quick message: This card is a call for you to meditate regularly. Your path, body and soul are asking for quiet time to reflect, think, and receive insights. Even a small amount of time devoted to daily meditation will bring you great gifts.

King Solomon - Priorities 

Quick message: Devote time to your highest priorities, even if it means getting to bed earlier or later. This is a wonderful time to work on projects that are near and dear to your heart. Even if you're confused about how to approach the project, or you fear whether you'll be able to accomplish your dreams, do it anyway.

Paramahansa Yogananda - Choose Peace 

Quick message: In this situation, choose the path of peace. As you think about your various options and possible outcomes, which brings the greatest feelings of peace to your body and mind? This is your answer.

Vishnu - Trust 

Quick message: You can trust the situation you're enquiring about. The solid foundation of your situation gives it a trustworthy basis. Keep purifying your motivations so that they're completely about love and service to elevate the energy and experiences even further.

Hina - Freedom 

Quick message: Walk away from restrictions and be free! You have the power and the right to change your life so that you experience more freedom. This card signifies that your soul is crying out for more freedom, especially as it involves your life's purpose. Perhaps it's time to take a break so that you can think clearly about your desires and available options.

Quan Yin - Let it go 

Quick message: It’s time to stop struggling, pushing or forcing things to happen. Such actions push against the universal flow and lead to frustrations and blocks. When you let the situation go to Spirit, you automatically open supportive doors that will bring solutions. Trust that the Universe is on your side.

Moses - Take Charge of This Situation 

Quick message: You have the power to heal and alter the course of this situation. It's time for you to take charge and assume a leadership position. First decide what you want. Be clear about the conditions that are acceptable or unacceptable to you. The universe responds when you are clear about your aims and intentions.

Isis - Balance Career and Home Life 

Quick message: You drew this card as a reminder to keep balance in your life. You can do this more easily than you may imagine. You already know which part of your life is lopsided, and you may be feeling symptoms of burnout from this imbalance. You can rapidly shift your energy in positive ways by devoting time each day to your priorities. Even 30 minutes a day spent in meaningful ways will life your mood, morale and motivation.

Paul the Venetian - Artistic Expression 

Quick message: This card signals that your artistic talents are in need of creative expression. You have hidden talents that lie dormant. This trapped energy can make you feel tired, restless and anxious and can lead to addictions if the energy isn't expressed. Even if your artistic abilities feel unpolished, they need an outlet. Make the time today to draw, paint, sing, play music, write, take photographs, make jewellery, sew, dance, or do something artistic and creative. You may find the key to your life's purpose and ideal career through this process.

Thoth - Write 
Quick message: You drew this card as a concrete reminder to write. You've been receiving lots of signs and feelings to write lately, so let this card be the message that leads you to take action. Get out a pad of paper or your laptop computer and begin writing. Just express your thoughts and feelings as they flow into your mind and body.

Babaji - Yoga
Quick message: Babaji and the other ascended masters guide you to do yoga regularly. Yoga's benefits are one of the answers to your question. Through yoga, you'll gain increased clarity, energy, flexibility, toning, and psychic awareness. You may also meet wonderful new friends and have fun at yoga classes.

El Morya - Clear and Shield Your Energy 

Quick message: As a sensitive person, you've absorbed some harsh and toxic energy from other people. This card asks you to stop and call on El Morya and Archangel Michael to clear yourself. They can also clear and elevate the energies in other people, your home, or your office. After clearing yourself, ask them to shield you from further intrusions. This process, called "shielding", needs to be conducted once or twice a day. You can also wear a crystal pendant to act as a buffer in harsh energy situations.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!