Tuesday 25 February 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Tuesday 25th February 2014


Just flying in (late) to do the cards, then I must get back to packaging Mugs and making Bagz of Blessings!

Please find your message for Tuesday below and whatever your star sign - enjoy your day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the 

Messages from you Angels Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Quoted from the pack: "This card deck makes it easier than ever to give an amazingly accurate angel reading for yourself or others. Each card features a gorgeous angel painting, along with a one or two sentence message.

These cards will help you and others know what your exact life purpose it, whether ot not someone is your soulmate or not, what to do about your job and living situatuations, and other inportant life questions. Doreen based the cards upon her actual angel readings, using most commonly asked questions and angelic answers to create the ultimate deck for both the beginner and advanced card reader."

My personal card for today:


“I am the Angel of Abundance. You will receive the money that you need, and God is in charge of how that will happen. Have faith.”

Additional message: “God is the source of all of your good. Release all of your cares and worries to me, and I will bring them directly to god. The more that you surrender this situation to Heaven, the more open you become. Your openness - like outstretched arms - welcomes the gifts that we bring you. When you worry, however, it close you down. It then becomes more difficult for us to deliver your gifts. You don’t notice your gifts, or you push them away.

God’s infinite creativity means that your financial support will come in unexpected ways. One of the reasons why you worry is because you don’t know how your money will be delivered. You can release these worries by completely relying on God’s wisdom and care. Notice your repetitive thoughts, feelings and ideas. They are our way of communicating divine guidance to you. As you follow the divine directives, your supply comes to you on the wings of angels, without delay or reservation. The more that you can relax and trust, the faster we can bring these gifts your way.”

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Quick message: “As you honor and follow the guidance of your heart, prosperity is coming to you now.”

“You are flying high right now, which may threaten others. But don’t descend, because others will soon become inspired by your example.”


Quick message: "You have an important life purpose involving communication and the arts. Please don't allow insecurities to hold you back. I will help you."

Quick message: “It is safe for you to be powerful. You know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself.”

Quick message:"Yes, the timing is right for this new venture. a happy outcome follows your positive expectations."

Quick message: “You deserve the best. Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires, and don’t compromise.”

Quick message: "It's a good time to give birth to new ideas and situations in your life. I am watching over you, guiding you and protecting you during these changes."

Quick message:"Schooling, study, and education help your life's purpose and personal growth at this time. The angels will guide you and help you with this process."


Quick message: “I am with you, giving you the courage to make life changes that will help you work on your divine life purpose.”

Quick message: "You are confused and indecisive because you do not have enough information. Do research or seek expert advice before making a decision."

Quick message: "When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits. Give yourself a relaxing treat today, such as a massage, sea salt bath, or pedicure."

Quick message: “You are a spiritual teacher. You have the ability to counsel others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts and Divine life mission.”

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!