Friday 13 December 2013

Weekend Divination Cards - Friday 13th December 2013

Good morning!

Well, it's Friday again - another week just flew by!

Time for the Spirit Inspiration Cards for the weekend :)

As a reminder...

Several years ago I came up with a little deck of cards, which I called "Spirit Inspiration Cards" - just a small set of cards which I printed myself and put in a pretty organza bag.

The idea was to shuffle the cards, pick at least one - preferably three - and endeavour to carry out the task on the card within one week.

I designed these cards as a sort of teaching, healing and meditation deck, with very simple tasks, inspired by Spirit.

I've decided to draw 3 cards on Fridays and if you like, you can try to carry out at least one of the 'tasks' over the weekend.

The first card is:


Things are pretty hectic for everyone these days and even more so at this time of the year. It can get VERY stressful. Taking a little break both physically and mentally can really help to make a difference to your day.

The second card is:


We all have too much stuff! Some of us (me included) are terrible hoarders! The thought of having a 'proper' clearout can be a bit daunting - however, if you choose to clear out one drawer or cupboard - that is definitely do-able!

Do you really need all that stuff? Do you use it? Have you worn it recently? If not, give it away, donate it to a charity shop, it may be just what someone else wants, or really needs.

Clearing clutter is good Feng Shui and it encourages a flow of good energy - allowing space for new things to come into your life :)

The third card is:


Again, this is about how we are all rushing around, caught up in our own stuff - with things on our minds, where we're going, what we have to do next, etc. In little worlds of our own, it's easy to not even notice other people.

However, you can really make someone's day if you just smile and say "hello" as you walk past them on the street - especially elderly people who may be alone and not have anyone to talk to. We all need interaction with other people, to feel noticed and not invisible as a lot of lonely eldery people do....

* * * * * * *
Well, the clock is getting around there and I have lots of Christmas orders to make, so I'd better get to work!

Please find your card and message below and whatever your star sign - have a magickal weekend :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the  
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards

by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Quoted from the pack: "By popular demand, Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on her best-selling book Archangels and Ascended Masters. The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesh, Merlin, Saint Germain, apollo, Pallas athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green man, and Kuthumi. The enclosed guide book gives expanded explanations of each card's meaning, and a brief history of the particular ascended master. As with all of Doreen's oracle card decks, the messages for the cards are positive, accurate and life-affirming."

My personal card for today:

Aengus - Twin Flame 

This card indicates a twin-flame relationship which is the deepest form of romantic love. To form such a partnership, you must follow your inner guidance, learn personal-growth lessons, and have patience with Divine timing. Once twin flames find each other, everything in their life reaches new heights of love and light.

Additional meanings for this car: The person that you're enquiring about is your soul mate or twin flame * You will soon be with your twin flame * Keep your heart open, stay positive, and follow your guidance to manifest prayers about your life.

Aengus is a Celtic god who helps soul mates and twin flames meet and enjoy harmonious relationships. (A twin flame is an even closer and more eternal version of a soul-mate relationship.) He helps lovers resolve arguments with his magical harp music and healing kisses. When Aengus first saw a beautiful maiden named Caer, he fell deeply in love. Aengus followed Caer until he found her bound to swans by silver chains.

Aengus transformed himself into a swan so that he'd be forever bound to his twin flame. Call upon Aengus to meet your soul mate or twin flame, and to resolve quarrels in love relationships.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Paravati - Positive Change 

Quick message: Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you've outgrown situations that once appealed to you. These are positive developments signaling your spiritual growth. Some of these situations are blessings in disguise, as they're pushing you to make necessary and positive changes. You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone. Let go and enjoy this ride, because it truly is for the best.

Lakshmi - Flow of Prosperity 

Quick message: This card indicates that your prayers about finances have been heard and answered. Tap into your manifestation power by focusing on abundance instead of worrying about money. You have nothing to fear. A new flow of prosperity is supporting you and your loved ones.

King Solomon - Priorities 

Quick message: Devote time to your highest priorities, even if it means getting to bed earlier or later. This is a wonderful time to work on projects that are near and dear to your heart. Even if you're confused about how to approach the project, or you fear whether you'll be able to accomplish your dreams, do it anyway.

White Tara - Purification 

Quick message: Something involved with this situation needs purifying. This could be a signal to purify your motives and intentions so they're purely about service and not about fear or competition. It could mean a purification of your body and diet. Or it could simply mean adjusting your life so that all of your actions are in integrity with your true beliefs.

Paramahansa Yogananda - Choose Peace 

Quick message: In this situation, choose the path of peace. As you think about your various options and possible outcomes, which brings the greatest feelings of peace to your body and mind? This is your answer.

Krishna - Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation
Quick message: Every situation offers opportunities to grow and learn. When we curse a situation, we block its energy flow and things fester and grow worse. In contrast, as you recognize the blessings within your current situation, supportive and healing energy flows toward you. Recognize the blessing to accelerate the healing and manifestation that’s trying to come to you.

Saint Germain - Work Your Magic 

Quick message: You have the power to resolve the situation you're inquiring about. This card signifies your untapped magical abilities, which you've used successfully in the past. Pull these abilities out of storage and use them to work your magic now. Your clear and focused intentions, positive expectations, prayers, decrees and action steps all create the healings and manifestations you desire.

Oshun - Drink more water 

Quick message: This card comes as a sign that your body is thirsty for pure water. Symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, irritation, and excessive hunger can actually be dehydration in disguise. Water helps you flush harsh energies and toxins that your sensitive body might otherwise absorb. Bless your water before drinking it to give yourself a boost of positive energy.
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha - Meditate 

Quick message: This card is a call for you to meditate regularly. Your path, body and soul are asking for quiet time to reflect, think, and receive insights. Even a small amount of time devoted to daily meditation will bring you great gifts.

Isis - Balance Career and Home Life 

Quick message: You drew this card as a reminder to keep balance in your life. You can do this more easily than you may imagine. You already know which part of your life is lopsided, and you may be feeling symptoms of burnout from this imbalance. You can rapidly shift your energy in positive ways by devoting time each day to your priorities. Even 30 minutes a day spent in meaningful ways will life your mood, morale and motivation.

Melchizedek - Spiritual Law of Attraction 

Quick message: The situation you're enquiring about has come to you via the spiritual law of Attraction. You've attracted certain people or situations because they mirror your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. In the same way, people and situations that you once found desirable are now moving out of your life as you've shifted your energy through your spiritual path. If you want to change what or who you attract, hold more positive, loving and joyful thoughts.

Manjushri - Listen 

Quick message: You can hear your divine guidance best by quieting yourself and listening. Shut out noisy stimulation like telephones and television, and relax in peace. Don't try to make anything happen. Just listen to your own thoughts, breath, and the rhythm of your heart. Then mentally ask questions of your guides and angels. Listen to the loving truth that they speak in your heart, body and mind. Listen to your own inner truths. Trust your intuition and take action accordingly.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!