Tuesday 29 October 2013

Daily Divination Cards - Tuesday 29th October 2013


Sorry I missed Monday's messages - it's been a bit of an emotional time for me as my eldest daughter got married yesterday and none of us, her family, were there to share her special day (as that's how they wanted it) and I wasn't in the right frame of mind to do the cards...

Today is also a difficult day - as it's the 16th anniversary of the day my brother chose to leave this life...

We all still miss him so much.

Here's a photo of me with my brother Colin, when we were kids on holiday - many years ago!


Such fond memories...

To anyone else who has lost a family member, or loved one to suicide - my heart goes out to you and your families too.

Sending Love and Light,

This week I am using  
The Wicca Pack
by Sally Morningstar

Quoted from the pack: "The Wicca Pack, weaving magic into your life. Contains the Wicca Book and set of Divinatory cards. Wiccan Magic. learn the basics of working with high magic, the importance of sacred spaces, the timing of high days and holy days, and the correct use of magical crafts. Connect with the archetypes of the ancient Pagan deities, and use the beautifully illustrated cards to develop your latent intuitive skills and explore the world of natural magic through inner spiritual work."

My personal card for today:

CANDLE - Illumination 

High Note: Your inner light guides your way.

Low Note: Energy management is required.

Vibration: Throat Chakra.

Keywords: Illumination, sacrifice, inner radiance.

Meaning: Candle is a sign of holding yourself as an example to life. You may have felt worn down or overworked recently, in order to fulfil demands. However, you can be sure that if you are making sacrifices for the benefit of the greater good… your life will shine with radiance as a result of the sacrifices you make.
Magically speaking, you are being advised to focus upon the light that you carry and to develop ways of working that help not only yourself, but also those around you. The Candle card also point to utilizing candle magic in order to reach greater understanding. Trust in the source of your guidance, but do be aware that flames can burn as well as illuminate.

Candle can therefore reveal that you may be about to burn out. Perhaps things have been getting out of control. This definitely shows that lessons need to be learned about energy management and how to improve it. Grounding yourself regularly will assist your current situation, as will tempering the flame with rest and contemplation. Try to gently discover more about the way your energy works - what makes you tired and what enlivens you - don’t push yourself or your desires too hard.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

GAIA - Healing 

High note: Unconditional love is the key to healing
Low note: Embrace what needs to be healed with love.
Vibration: Body and Soul
Keywords: Healing, lucid, dreaming, nourishment.

CORD - Initiation 

High Note: Your soul steps closer to the source
Low Note: No need to control. Trust and let go.
Vibration: Soul
Keywords: Initiation, willpower.

SPELL - Enchantment 

High Note: A wish shall be granted.
Low Note: Illusions and fantasies are being uncovered.
Vibration: Astral
Keywords: Enchantment, illusion, fantasy.

HOLY WATER - Purification 

High Note: Cleansing provides a clear space for change.
Low Note: Seek purity in thought and action.
Vibration: Sacral Chakra
Keywords: Purification, cleansing, thirst for knowledge.

SHEKINAH - Transcendence 

High Note: Dreams can come true.
Low Note: You are not alone.
Vibration: Heaven on Earth.
Keywords: Transcendence, karmic purpose, faith.

THE HORNED GOD - Life Force 

High Note: Fun and celebration are indicated.
Low Note: Be honorable. Find what makes you truly happy.
Vibration: Base Chakra
Keywords: Life force, inhibitions, joy.

SPIRAL - Attraction 

High Note: Change is coming.
Low Note: Release, let go, prepare.
Vibration: Formative ethers
Keywords: Attraction, release, movement.

THE MOON - Timing 

High Note: Heavenly light illuminates a hidden treasure.
Low Note: Don't be deceived. Learn to stand in your power.
Vibration: Sacral Chakra.
Keywords: Timing, revelation, knowing.

OWL - Wisdom Keeper
High Note: Watch, wait, and be wise.
Low Note: Love your fears to lighten the shadows.
Vibration: Soul.
Keywords: Wisdom, truth, life direction.


High Note: Wisdom from experience is being integrated into your soul.
Low Note: Have no fear - you are returning to your true self.
Vibration: Crown Chakra
Keywords: Experience, discovery. Acceptance

ARADIA - Heritage 

High Note: Now is the time to claim your birthright - success awaits.
Low Note: Review personal opinions and belief systems. Habits and prejudices will be challenged.
Vibration: Crown Chakra
Keywords: Birthright, heritage, celestial guidance.

BAT - Rebirth in Consciouness

High Note: Consciousness awakens your flight to freedom.
Low Note: This too will pass.
Vibration: Third Eye Chakra
Keywords: Rebirth, change, spiritual awakening,

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!