Wednesday 2 October 2013

Daily Divination Cards - 2nd October October 2013


Just flying in quickly to do the cards for you today - busy, busy, busy!

Please find your message from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards below and whatever your star sign - enjoy your day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the 

Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards

by Collette Baron-Reid

Quoted from the pack: "The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid is a 52 card divination system - an inspirational tool to bridge the unseen world of Spirit and the physical world of our day-to-day lives. Based on the rich mythology of ancient Britain's Isle of Avalon and the wisdom teachings of its priestesses, these cards (and the accompanying guidebook) will help you find valuable and powerful insights in all aspects of life as you chart your path and manifest your destiny with clarity and purpose."

My personal card for today:
Divinatory meaning: This marker reminds you to protect yourself and to be wary of hidden agendas. Are you being too open? Perhaps you don’t realise it, but you may find that you’re a target for others, especially if you are shining brightly. Yet this isn’t a time to dim your light; rather, remember that a spiritual warrior or priestess would always learn how to camouflage him or herself, and be armed against potential attack.
This is about the right use of power rather than the use of force - the former coming from a place of highly calibrated integrity; the latter from a lower base of destructive energy. Remember to walk the higher ground but wear a cloak for protection.

Ask your angels and guides to protect you, for they will always come if they’re asked. And be moderate in all you do - this isn’t the place to take risks.

This marker also lets you know that the subject of your enquiry cannot in any way hurt you as long as you ask for protection. The divine will give it.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

THE OWL - deception, wisdom. 

Quick reading: The Owl lends you eyes that you need in order to see in the dark around you. Watch for deception by others. Be honest with yourself and snap out of any lies and denial inside you. All is well with the Owl to guide you. Deep wisdom into human nature is gained through the ability to recognize untruths. Owl is an important and powerful ally.

THE QUEEN - woman, fertility, feminine power, sexuality, friendships 

Quick reading: Fertility, beauty, female sexual energy, earthly pleasures, and friendships among women - the Queen summons you to bestow her gifts upon you so that you can revel in the beauty of life. The Queen appears to remind you of the importance of self-esteem, self-worth, and holding your head high. Now is the time to set boundaries with others with gentle authority, yet try not to be isolated from them in the process. The Queen knows how to delegate authority when she needs to. Summon your inner Queen and ask for what you need.

THE GRAIL KNIGHT - romance, illusion, seeking the sacred 

Quick reading: Romance, and the seeking of that which is sacred - such are the missions of the Grail Knight. He represents the coming together of all elements to form perfect life through a union of heaven and earth; or he signifies a romantic union of lover with lover. Love is in the air. Perhaps it is time to fall in love with yourself. Love attracts love. Be love and you shall find love.

THE DOG - loyalty, sincerity, unconditional love 

Quick reading: The Dog is the most loyal animal to human beings. When Dog appears on your path, he reminds you of this trait. Are you steadfast with your loved ones? Are you true to yourself and your dreams? Do you act with sincerity? It's very important to do so now, for good fortune comes with the faithful Dog as your companion.

THE DRAGON - Power, strength 

Quick reading: The Dragon comes to offer you its power and strength, to protect and fortify you on this leg of your journey. The Dragon symbolizes true power and reminds you that this infinite source is not found within your personality or ego. Watch for a signal - the Dragon always makes the next step clear, and gives you the power to take it.

THE EAGLE - spirit, integrity, connection to the angelic realm 

Quick reading: When the Eagle appears, it is a true signal of your connection to the angelic realm. With your angel's help and guidance, you can soar above life to see the larger vista. The Eagle helps you to make your choices accordingly, with integrity. When the Eagle appears, it’s also a signal for prayer. It’s time for a moment of conscious contact with the Divine. Remember that you’re always protected and Divinely directed if you follow the guidance of spirit as it appears in the form of the Eagle.


Quick reading: This marker directs you into the unknowable Mystery of your journey. It is the sacred place where all things are created but are not yet formed. It tells you that the magical unknowable forces of destiny and fate are working in your life. Sometimes it may seem as if you’re going backward, but truly, if you look at a spiral, it goes up, back and around, reaching upward, although it may seem for a time that you are not. You are indeed progressing. Trust the Mystery and keep going!

THE LADY OF THE LAKE - absolute truth, courage, self-respect, responsibility 

Quick reading: The Lady of the Lake represents the highest order of respect for yourself and the manner in which you operate in the world around you. She demands nothing short of total truth and integrity; she asks you to be mindful of all the signs, signals and omens that present themselves to you. Seek the sword of truth within yourself and great success will be yours. Have courage for the strength of Avalon is behind you in support of your quest for wholeness and abundance.

THE STAG - pride, leadership 

Quick reading: Take pride in all you do. Be the leader and hold your head high and others will follow by your example. Always ask yourself "what is the highest good for all?" The Stag leads you into the kind of pride that reminds you that you’re always in service to the God/Goddess in every step you take. You may already be there, in which case you should be proud and happy. Look how far you’ve come! Rejoice, for the Stag always leads you to a higher place with a sure and steady footing.

Quick reading: This marker brings excitement to your path. You cannot know the outcome of the action you're being called to take until you do it. In this way, you're required to be blind in the forest for a time, risking all you know and all you've acquired on your journey for the potential of something better.

THE DEER - gentleness, diplomacy 

Quick reading: When the Deer appears, it’s a reminder for you to step gently on the path, for you’re walking into a time when gentle movements and diplomacy are required. It’s important that you be gentle with yourself as well. Blend your personal energy with Deer's energy of gentleness and diplomacy. Walk softly and the way forward will be smooth. And remember... never mistake gentleness for weakness in yourself or in others.

THE HAWK - omens, messages 

Quick reading: When Hawk appears, expect a message to be delivered to you to aid you in your quest. Perhaps a telephone call from a friend, or a chance meeting with someone, or an overheard conversation will reveal an answer to your question. You will know it when it comes. Be open to messages from others, and be aware of omens and signs in nature. The world is constantly attempting to communicate with us, but we human beings have forgotten how to listen.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!