Monday 16 September 2013

Daily Divination Cards - Monday 16th September 2013

Good morning!

It's a lovely bright sunny day, windy with a crisp autumnal feel. Just how I like it!

(Much better than yesterday's grey, rainy, miserable day...)

However, it is also Manic Monday and I'm feeling stressed already, as I await deliveries of the stock that I urgently need to make my orders.

But first - the cards!

I am using the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue this week - one of my favourite decks.

Click on the photo for more details about these goregous cards!

As usual my card is very appropriate for my personal situation and just what I needed to read this morning...

Please find your card and message below and whatever your star sign, have a good day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Quoted from the pack: "The goddesses are angelic, powerful, loving beings who want to help you with every part of your life. In this set of oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, you'll learn who the different cross-cultural goddesses are and how they can help you. Each card gives a specific message about how you can improve your life, health, relationships, finances, career, and spiritual path. The gorgeous artwork on each card depicts Kuan Yin, Laksmi, Brigit, Isis and Athe

na; as well as goddesses Celtic, Mayan, Egyptian, Greek, Tibetan, Buddhist and other traditions.
The accompanying guide book helps you to give accurate readings for yourself, your loved ones, and your clients. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned pro, you'll find that working with the goddesses brings Divine magic into your life."

My personal card for today:

SEKHMET - Be Strong 

“You are stronger than you think you are, and your strength assures a happy outcome.”

Message from Sekhmet: “See yourself as strong and victorious. Don’t complain about anything. Don’t blame anyone or any condition. You’re the embodiment of strength not victim-hood. As you rise above the old tendencies and see yourself in a new light of beautiful feminine strength, your life will automatically shift in miraculous ways.

You’ll attract new opportunities, forms of abundance, and relationships to help manifest your highest potential. Being strong means seeing yourself in the most favourable light you can imagine. Be real, allow yourself to feel genuine emotions, but most of all, be strong.”

Various meanings of this card: Don’t underestimate yourself * Don’t yield to pressure or temptation * Avoid complaining or indulging in negative thinking * Engage in weight training exercises to make your body stronger.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!
Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

ISHTAR - Boundaries 

“Love yourself enough to say no to others’ demands on your time and energy.”

Various meanings of this card: You’re giving too much * Become more assertive * Don’t do things out of guilt or obligation.

NEMETONA - Sacred Space 

“Create an altar or visit a power place to connect with the Divine.”

Various meanings of this card: Build an altar in your home * Take a spiritually oriented trip * You need a quiet place of refuge and retreat for yourself * Create a medicine circle or labyrinth * Walk the labyrinth * Clear the energy in your home with sage, prayer, toning, invoking Archangel Michael, or other space clearing methods.

YEMANYA - Golden Opportunity 

“Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk through them.”

Various meanings for this card: Don’t hesitate * This is the right thing to do * Your prayers are being answered * Get ready for a big and happy change * Celebrate your success * Know that you’re qualified and ready for this new opportunity.

IXCHEL - Medicine Woman 

“You are a channel for Divine healing power.”

Various meanings of this card: You’re a healer * You’re being healed * This situation and/or your loved one is being healed * Honor your healing knowledge and abilities * Learn about healing * Teach the healing arts * Start or continue your healing practice.

KALI - Endings and Beginnings 

“The old must be released so that the new may enter.”

Various meanings of this card: Your current changes are for the best * Keep your thoughts positive, as they’re very powerful * What appears to be a loss is really the beginning of a happy new phase * Let the past go * It’s time to move on.

MAAT - Fairness 

“This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.”

Various meanings of this card: A lawsuit will be resolved * A dispute will end harmoniously * You'll be treated fairly * Keep everyone's needs in mind during negotiations * Release guilt and shame, as these emotions can attract a punishing attack.

ARTEMIS - Guardian 

“You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected.”

Various meanings of this card: The angels are watching over you and your family * Your future is safe and secure * All your needs are being met and always will be * The worst is now behind you.

“Express yourself through creative activities.”

Various meanings of this card: Play music, sing, dance, draw, paint, write, or do something creative * Study, or change to a career that gives you creative freedom * Take a creative class * Invest in an artistic hobby * Keep a journal of your creative ideas * Join a writing club or other creative support system.

SIGE - Quiet Time 

“Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate and contemplate.”

Various meanings of this card: Go on a retreat * Listen more and talk less * Avoid loud noise and sounds * Meditate * Surrender mind chatter to heaven * Know that you’re more sensitive to noise now.

KUAN YIN - Compassion 

“Release judgements about yourself and others, and focus on the love and light that is within everyone.”

Various meanings of this card: Release guilt and shame to Heaven for healing and transmutation * Keep your thoughts about yourself and others positive * Avoid gossip or bad-mouthing of yourself or others * Forgive yourself or another * Don’t be so hard on yourself or others * Release perfectionistic tendencies.

MAEVE - Cycles and Rhythms 

"Honour the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions."

Various meanings of this card: Female gynaecological changes (starting of menses or menopause, for example) are an issue for you * Make time to rest * Initiate steps to alleviate depression or lethargy * Take better care of your body * Seek support for dealing with emotional crises * Allow yourself to grieve or take time off * Know that this lull won't last forever * A doorway of opportunity has opened up, and you need to walk through it now.

MAWU - Mother Earth 

“You are called upon to help with environmentalism.”

Various meanings of this card: Your life's purpose involves environmentalism * Use earth-friendly products * Recycle * Get involved with an environmental group * Teach others about environmentalism.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!