Friday 28 June 2013

Weekend Divination Cards - Friday 28th June 2013

Good morning!

Not having a great start to the day - went to bed early last night feeling poorly, with a sore throat - and woke up this morning feeling very poorly, with a very sore throat!

Mercury Retro is giving me problems with 'communications' in various areas of my life - and I have also been (falsely) accused of 'modifying' the cards that I am using this week!

If the person who accused me and said "I've been working with these cards for over 20 years.. there is nothing written on the bottom of them" had actually read my blog, they would have seen that they had made an error in their assumptions... as the cards that they have been using are not the cards that I am actually using.

So, to put the record straight - I am using the JUST FOR TODAY medicine cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson - and NOT the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.

I have both decks, so here is a photo to illustrate the difference!

As I explain below (and always explain, every time I use these cards):

This deck is the daily, quick message version of the Medicine Cards deck by Jamie Sams and David Carson.

The Medicine Cards are wonderful and come in a boxed set with a book of layouts, instructions and the full meanings for each of the animal guides. I have the Medicine cards too, but it is easier for me to give you the 'Just for Today' messages!

I had the Medicine Card deck originally, which I love, and then my dear Mum found and bought me The Just For Today deck too :)

When I started this blog - way back in May 2009, this was actually the first deck I chose to use!

I started my blog partly because I have a very large collection of Tarot and Oracle cards and I wanted to share them with others - giving people a taster of some of my favourite decks. Doing it as a 'Tarotscope' made it fun and interesting too!

I always try to add a link to Amazon, to whichever deck I am using, so that people can purchase the cards for themselves, if they feel drawn to them.

When I originally looked for the link to the Just for Today Cards I couldnt believe that the only ones I could find were so expensive! It turns out that they are no longer in print and quite rare. I have found some on ebay for over $200 used and almost $500 new! Please click here if you don't believe me!

(I have found some used ones a little cheaper on Amazon UK today. Please click here to see them.)

So there you have it! Proof that I did NOT modify these cards and would never dream of doing such a thing!

It takes a lot to make me angry - but being falsely accused of something certainly gets my blood boiling!

I need to calm down, take something to ease my sore throat (throat chakra/communications/mercury retro?!!) and then get on with today's orders.

I hope you have found your messages from the Animal Guides helpful, relevant and insightful this week?

Please find your card and message for the weekend below - and whatever your star sign - enjoy your weekend :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the 


by Jamie Sams and David Carson

This deck is the daily, quick message version of the Medicine Cards deck by Jamie Sams and David Carson.

I have tried finding a link to The 'Just for Today' cards and can't find any, other than some listed on amazon for an incredibly expensive price! (I don't understand how they can be so expensive, as my set was very reasonable, although I have had them for quite a few years...)
The Medicine Cards are wonderful and come in a boxed set with a book of layouts, instructions and the full meanings for each of the animal guides. I have the Medicine cards too, but it is easier for me to give you the 'Just for Today' messages!


My personal card for today:


Hawk - Honor all life forms and all humans as messengers. 

Trust life's messages and signals.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
These are your messages from the animal guides for today! Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from and/or act upon its message...

Lynx - Be still and silent. 

Become the one who watches. Honor the secret wisdom you hold.

Snake - Transmute all poisons. 

Shed the skin of the past. Honor the change in progress.

Dragonfly - Confront denials. 

Break through illusions. Honor inner truths. - 100% Free Dating

Armadillo - Respect your Sacred Space. 

Drop hesitations and banish abuse. Use proper boundaries and thrive!

Unlimited Potential - Open your eyes! Pay attention! 

Trust yourself to recognize the gift being offered at this time.

Butterfly - You are changing. 

Emerge into your new state of being. Honor your transformation.

Squirrel - Use time and energy properly. 

Waste nothing on negativity. Gather the rewards of stewardship.

Dog - Be loyal to yourself. 

Be true to others. Bolster your integrity.

Hummingbird - Embrace what makes you happy. 

Be joyful. Count your blessings. Open yourself to pleasure.

Raven - Open yourself to miracles. 
Use new eyes. Believe in magic. Embrace life's wonders.

Eagle - Connect to spirit. 

Feel the freedom found in Oneness. Let your spirit soar.

Owl - Honor intuition. 

Use discernment. Outsmart deception. Trust your first impressions.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!