Wednesday 13 March 2013

Daily Divination Cards - Wednesday 13th March 2013

Good morning!

It's a lovely sunny day but very cold - didn't stop Maisie wanting to go out for a walk though and taking a quick dip in the sea! Crazy mutt!

Lots to do, so I just thought I would quickly share another of my strange dreams with you, before doing the cards :)

In this one I levitated! If you're interested, please click on this link! Levitation Dreams - have you had any similar experiences?
Right! On with the cards for Wednesday!

Whatever your star sign - have an enjoyable day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the
 The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards

by Collette Baron-Reid

Quoted from the pack: "The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid is a 52 card divination system - an inspirational tool to bridge the unseen world of Spirit and the physical world of our day-to-day lives. Based on the rich mythology of ancient Britain's Isle of Avalon and the wisdom teachings of its priestesses, these cards (and the accompanying guidebook) will help you find valuable and powerful insights in all aspects of life as you chart your path and manifest your destiny with clarity and purpose."

My personal card for today:


THE RAVEN - magic, coincidence, synchronistic events. 

Divinatory meaning: When the Raven appears, it's a sign of magic, where coincidence and Divine synchronicity bring surprising elements together. The Raven reminds you that on the path to wholeness, the magic of Avalon appears and all things become possible.

Ask the Raven to help you be aware of synchronicity in your life and see how the God/Goddess works anonymously on your path.

If you feel hopeless or lost, you may need reminding that this kind of magic occurs in your daily life. Even if you can't see it, trust it to bring joy, understanding, and fulfilment to your life no matter what the present circumstances appear to be.

Remember the Raven says: "Believe in magic and you cannot help but see it. Magic lives within belief itself! Expect the unexpected and prepare to be amazed."

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!
Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

THE HIGH PRIESTESS - discernment, prescience, prophecy, vision 
Quick reading: When the High Priestess appears before you, she asks you to trust your intuition and throw the net of your awareness out into the world around you, pulling in truths that may defy your intellect, rational mind, or what others wish to falsely or superficially portray. The High Priestess reminds you of the feminine principle of receptivity, gathering power by receiving information and waiting for others to act first. The goddess blesses and protects you when the High Priestess of Avalon appears on your path.

Quick reading: You’re put on notice to seek connection in all things. When you receive the blessings of Partnership on this part of your journey, it's a sign that the object of your inquiry may indeed give you what you need. It's a portent of opportunity, where the partnership exceeds the potential of the individual. It's a very auspicious omen.

THE CAT - independence, healthy boundaries 

Quick reading: The Cat reminds you of independence and to set healthy boundaries. Love with freedom - do not look to own what you desire, for too much attachment can lead to loss. On this leg of your journey, you will emerge safe and sound. Live freely, love without unhealthy attachment, and remember that with the Cat as your companion, you may fully immerse yourself in life, for there will be many more lives to come.

THE QUEEN - woman, fertility, feminine power, sexuality, friendships 

Quick reading: Fertility, beauty, female sexual energy, earthly pleasures, and friendships among women - the Queen summons you to bestow her gifts upon you so that you can revel in the beauty of life. The Queen appears to remind you of the importance of self-esteem, self-worth, and holding your head high. Now is the time to set boundaries with others with gentle authority, yet try not to be isolated from them in the process. The Queen knows how to delegate authority when she needs to. Summon your inner Queen and ask for what you need.

Quick reading: This marker brings excitement to your path. You cannot know the outcome of the action you're being called to take until you do it. In this way, you're required to be blind in the forest for a time, risking all you know and all you've acquired on your journey for the potential of something better.

Quick reading: Focus your attention on the job ahead. Do what is in front of you, no matter how small the task. Clear focus is required. Your path is marked with the need to regroup and remind yourself of your goal.. Then stay in the present time and do what is directly in front of you. Only one small, focused step at a time will place you at your destination.

THE MERLIN - alchemy, justice, balance 

Quick reading: The Merlin is the messenger of initiation and alchemy and is both the Magician and the High Priest. The Merlin says "You have all you need to move forward. Rejoice that all the elements you require for success are indeed present!" You are given notice that, when it comes to your life and it’s purpose, the magical aspect of the Merlin can be summoned to help you find an answer within you. Remember, all signs and omens sent by the Merlin are but reflections of that which is within you already.

THE FIRE FAERY - creative action, optimism 

Quick reading: The Fire Faery sparks ideas into action. She rules the flame of creativity and encourages you to move quickly. She is also the voice of happy optimism, showing you signs, signals and happy omens to support your dreams. The Fire Faery gives you hope and courage and ensures your dreams will come true if you simply act on them.

THE HORSE - accepting help from another, delegating authority. 

Quick reading: The Horse appears on your path to offer assistance. If you’re asking a question about your life, the Horse says that you will indeed receive help from another to aid you on your quest. Assistance is for the asking. Trust that when horse appears, help is yours. Remember to ask for it, and also remember to accept it when it's offered.

THE DRAGON - Power, strength. 

Quick reading: The Dragon comes to offer you its power and strength, to protect and fortify you on this leg of your journey. The Dragon symbolizes true power and reminds you that this infinite source is not found within your personality or ego. Watch for a signal - the Dragon always makes the next step clear, and gives you the power to take it.


Quick reading: When you see the Butterfly, know that the power of beauty is in your life. Today, look for the loveliness even in the darkest places, and you’ll be amazed. All of the Mystery is beautiful. Beauty is everywhere. You just have to open your eyes. The next step can only be achieved if you do this today. Someone may give you something beautiful today. Remember to be grateful.

THE NOVICE - innocence, beginner, ignorance, new skill without practice, unstable curiosity 

Quick reading: Innocence, naiveté, foolishness, early knowledge, not yet integrated, the ability to see the world untainted, and learning ability - these are the aspects of the Novice as she appears in your life. The Novice is reminding you to be teachable and humble. If you don't know something, don't pretend that you do. Chances are that you will make and error that may cost you more than you wish to pay. New information is coming, and this is the time to be open to learning and expanding. - 100% Free Dating

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Thank you!