Tuesday 11 December 2012

Daily Divination Cards - Tuesday 11th December 2012

Good morning!

Today is my youngest daughter's birthday!

"Happy Birthday Katie!"

Unfortunately for me, Katie lives in France so I don't get to see her as often as I would like :(

Can't resist sharing this 'before and after' photo of her!

(It's a mother's job to embarrass her children...)

Katie - then and now!

If you're a fan of Roller Derby, check out Katie's Team's website - and Facebook page - !

I was up late again, working, making orders, and I'm a bit behind this morning, so must get a move on now!

On with the cards and messages!

Whatever your star sign - have a lovely day :)

Brightest Blessings,
Kaz - 100% Free Dating
This week I am using the
The Answer Is Simple Oracle Cards
by Sonia Choquette

Quoted from the pack: "These Oracle cards provide immediate access to your divine Spirit, where you receive specific guidance for any and all challenges facing you in life. Each card not only offers direction for particular proplems, it also reinforces the path to your Higher Self, freeing you from the turbulence and fear of the ego plane.

You can use this deck (and the accompanying guide book) for specific direction, meditation, and life and purpose readings and to offer guidnace to others; as well as to connect to your Divine Self, where drama and stress give way to joy and inner peace.

My personal card for today:


Step Away from the Crowd

Full Message:

The answer is simple: STEP AWAY FROM THE CROWD 

You’re suffering from a case of to much talking, your own and others’. You can’t hear your spirit because it’s being drowned out by too many ego voices and opinions. No doubt about it - you need some time alone. Don’t allow your ego to deny you this important check-in with your Spirit. It may tell you that you have no time. It might suggest that you can get to it later - or worse, that if you dare step away from catering to others for even a moment, you’ll be in danger and your life will fall apart. This is all such exaggeration and drama. Although the ego would like you to believe that it has to be perpetually vigilant, you’re completely safe to go within - and you must do so.

Our loving Creator is watching over you, so you don’t have to solicit a million other opinions to feel safe. Time alone will reconnect you with your Spirit and Divine Source and quiet the litany of outside opinions running your life. Take a few minutes to yourself today. The more time you allow with your Spirit, the more time you will find for everything else.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!
Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Quick message:

The answer is simple: REBEL - It’s time for your Spirit to rebel from your ego and take charge of your life. There’s no one to answer to but your Higher Self. It’s time to let go of all past authority figures who still run your inner world, and allow your Spirit to step into command. Be free of the fear you carry over from the past. Call to mind all those ghosts from years ago who scared you into submission with their disapproval and threats. Line them up, one by one, in your mind’s eye, and see them shrinking down to human size. You answer only to God and your personal truth. The only question now is:What is your personal truth? Listen to your Spirit for the answer, and fearlessly follow this as your ultimate authority.

You are Not Afraid 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: YOU ARE NOT AFRAID - The ego is always in fear, so it becomes a habit to b afraid in life even when you’re not. As you face present conditions, ask yourself, Am I really scared? And if so, then of what? Listen to your Spirit for the answer. Don’t be surprised to discover that you’re not really afraid at all - you’re just in the habit of believing that you should be. Get past the habit of fear and dive into your new adventure with confidence. Stop fearing and start enjoying the fact that you’re not really afraid after all.

Talk to God
Quick message:

The answer is simple: TALK TO GOD - Presently your Spirit is calling you to make choices that will serve others’ needs more than your own. It may be as simple as giving up an hour at the gym in order to help your company finish a project, skipping a pre-planned night out with friends in order to host a last-minute visitor from out of town, or changing your vacation dates in order to attend your employer’s wedding. Whatever sacrifice you’re called upon to make, know that in the Big Picture, your willingness to do so is serving the greater good of all. The ego doesn’t like to be interrupted, making it a painful and unpleasant ordeal. The Spirit, on the other hand, is flexible and adaptable, placing service to humanity over selfish interests at all times. So take it easy on your ego - and make it delightful for your Spirit - and expect disruptions.

Be Courageous 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: BE COURAGEOUS - Your ego is intimidated and wants to run away from the challenge at hand. It will offer any number of arguments to justify its fear and to tell you why you should quit now, none of which are valid. It’s okay to be afraid just as long as you don’t allow your fear to stop you from living the truth of your Spirit. Overcoming it is easier that you think: Simply admit that you’re scared. This emotion is normal. The human condition is always fearful. It’s the Divine part of you, your Spirit, that’s fearless. It’s courageous because it knows that the Universe supports you all the way. Breath is Spirit. When you inhale deeply, it gives way to courage. Summon yours by drawing in your Spirit. You’re protected, so breathe and stay the course.

Call Your Spirit Home 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: CALL YOUR SPIRIT HOME - Are you tired of the same dreary arrangement of self-denial, insecurity, and boredom that you come home to at the end of every hard day at work? You feel this lack of inspiration because your joyful Spirit has been living outside of your body and your home. Your ego has taken over and pushed it out the door. It’s time to call your Spirit back. Your spirit is holy and requires a place of peace and serenity to dwell in. Invite it home by cleaning up your residence and airing out the old. If your home is cluttered, dusty, falling a part, and just plain ugly, it’s not appealing to your Spirit. Clean up and clear out the debris to attract your Spirit once again. Make you space a place truly worthy of your Spirit and it will return. Light a candle, say a prayer, and call it home. You’ll know that you’ve succeeded because you will feel inspired and happy to be home, in every sense of the word.

Listen to the Music
Quick message:

The answer is simple: LISTEN TO THE MUSIC - The bridge to heaven is music, and right now your Spirit is calling you to enjoy its benefits. Don’t allow your ego to diminish its benefits. Don't allow your ego to diminish its importance to your Spirit or cut off from its fuel - music not only regenerates your body, it also raises your vibration and fills your heart with joy and enthusiasm. Turn on the music to gain access to your Higher Self and the Divine Plane of inspiration now. Music will calm the moment. As you listen to it, the heavenly forces will work on your behalf to bring about joyful resolution and a peaceful outcome.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF - Someone makes a comment that troubles you. Another misinterprets your intentions. The plans you make don’t go off as you wish. People aren’t cooperating and it frustrates you. Time is running out… It’s all so irritating that your ego can hardly stand it. Welcome to life. If it’s not one thing it’s another. The key is to remain detached and observe events as they unfold from the standpoint of your Spirit. Simply remain calm and don’t try to control what happens, especially before it does. Take life as it comes and enjoy it.

Speak with Love
Quick message:

The answer is simple: SPEAK WITH LOVE - Notice the vibration you’re presently creating with your words. When you allow the ego to speak carelessly, it can stir up the emotional waters of others and set a tsunami of fear into motion. This destructive vibration starts out subtly but builds as it travels and most definitely returns to its source - you - with a vengeance. The spirit, on the other hand, calms the troubled waters of human emotion. It soothes fears with a sweet serenade of support, appreciation, and love. Your spirit is a beautiful source of Divine light and can heal with a few well-directed words of love. It is these messages of Spirit that will turn the present storm of circumstances into a peaceful lake of serenity.

Thank God 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: THANK GOD - The ego focuses on lack and therefore creates it. The Spirit concentrates on the endless stream of gifts God gives us and thus creates that. This is because the greatest blessing the Divine bestows on us is the ability to create what we focus on. Pay attention to all that God gives and you get more; focus on lack and you get less. Thank God throughout the day and you will be blessed with abundance. Offer gratitude for being alive, for the opportunities at hand, and for your challenges and ability to find solutions. Give thanks for your health, your life, your family, and your friends. Show appreciation for your blessings before they arrive. Your ego can discover how to attract flow and abundance if it joins with your Spirit in giving thanks to God for everything to day.


Tell The Truth 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: TELL THE TRUTH - Your ego doesn’t feel safe, so it hides the truth, both from the world and you. This makes life extremely complicated and exhausting, as you know. You can’t feel authentic unless you interrupt the ego and let your Spirit take over. Start by being honest with yourself. Ask the question If I weren't afraid, I would———. then fill in the blank. Do this several times and your truth will come tumbling forth. Really want the truth of your Spirit to come forward. With it will come the power and inspiration to live it.

Get Over Yourself 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: GET OVER YOURSELF - The first step to living your Spirit is to get over yourself, eaning get over your false self - your ego. It’s time to become honest and stop the doomed effort to posture and present your ego to the world as the real you… it isn’t. Thank goodness, because if you step back and observe for a moment, you’ll feel what a high-maintenance entity your ego self is - so high maintenance, in fact, that it leaves no room to focus on, or be much aware of, anything or anyone else beyond the most superficial level. Ask yourself, “Where am I not being authentic? Where am I acting instead of being real? What am I hiding or not revealing about my Spirit?” The world, and especially those close to you, needs the light of your true Self right now. Where is your ego blocking it? Be willing to get over your false self and share your light. This is required of you now and will be healing to all… especially you.

Turn On the Light
Quick message:

The answer is simple: TURN ON THE LIGHT - Look to your life with the eyes of your Spirit, not your ego. The ego points out your flaws; your Spirit concentrates on your perfection. The ego sees everything as your failure; your Spirit sees it as process and progress. The ego views itself as separate and alone; the Spirit knows itself to be connected to all and an essential part of the whole. The ego see darkness; the Spirit sees light. If you look with the light of your Spirit, you’ll clearly make out that all is well. Your ego can’t see past its own fears, so all appears dark. Your Spirit turns on the light and thus perceives the value of all your experiences - with it on, you can see that it’s all good.