Friday 14 September 2012

Weekend Divination Cards - Friday 14th September 2012

Good morning - and good grief!

I had no idea of the time - it's gone midday!

I woke up at 6am, tried to get back to sleep but had a head full of 'ideas'... which I jotted down on the pad next to my bed...

After another 15 minuntes of tossing and turning, I thought I may as well get up and put some of the ideas into action!

So, I have been designing Halloween and Christmas mugs all morning, and completely lost track of time :(

I have emails and enquiries to answer, and orders to make, so I'd better get a move on!

Just flying in quickly to do the cards and messages for today and the weekend ahead :)

Whatever your star sign, have a wonderful weekend, I'll be back on Monday with a different deck!

Which ones should I choose... :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using
by Sally Morningstar 

Quoted from the pack: "The Wicca Pack, weaving magic into your life. Contains the Wicca Book and set of Divinatory cards. Wiccan Magic. learn the basics of working with high magic, the importance of sacred spaces, the timing of high days and holy days, and the correct use of magical crafts. Connect with the archetypes of the ancient Pagan deities, and use the beautifully illustrated cards to develop your latent intuitive skills and explore the world of natural magic through inner spiritual work." - 100% Free Dating

My personal card for today:

High Note: Openness shows that all experience is food for the soul.

Low Note: Challenge ignorance. Life is held in patterns of your own making.

Vibration: Universal mind.

Keywords: Growth, study, understanding

Meaning: Neophyte indicates that this is a time of coming to a deeper understanding about your life and your world. What has not been clear will now become clear as you are introduced to teachings that provide the answers.

Observe synchronicities, follow gut feelings, talk things through in wise company, for this is a key time in your spiritual growth. You are likely to meet with a teacher or teaching, or with someone who holds a key for you.
Be open to learning and growth. Whether circumstances are perceived as negative or positive around you, they are exactly what is required to align you with the higher teachings and your higher self. Perceive all things, whatever they may be, as coming from the source of your deepest desire to be a free spirit. This plane of existence is also a teacher in the ways of truth, so you will not always be in the high place or, indeed, the low place.

If making the same errors, this is not a time to take the advice of others or seek answers from outside yourself, but rather to go deep within and seek your own wise counsel. It is only you that really knows your patterns, your urges, and your deepest fears. Grasp any opportunities for growth before you have to go around the wheel of karma yet again!

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

OWL - Wisdom Keeper 

High Note: Watch, wait, and be wise.

Low Note: Love your fears to lighten the shadows.

Vibration: Soul.

Keywords: Wisdom, truth, life direction.

SPIDER - Patterns 

High Note: The joys of creating your own reality are the threads.

Low Note: Challenge issues of control and manipulation in self and others.

Vibration: Solar Plexus Chakra

Keywords: Patterns, free will, self-expression.

THE LADY - Embodiment 

High Note: All that you need is present.

Low Note: Issues of disempowerment are highlighted.

Vibration: Archetype.

Keywords: Embodiment, character, empowerment.

SHEKINAH - Transcendence 

High Note: Dreams can come true.

Low Note: You are not alone.

Vibration: Heaven on Earth.

Keywords: Transcendence, karmic purpose, faith.


High note: Love is your greatest ally.

Low note: Be a good friend, guard your tongue.

Vibration: Astral

Keywords: Ally, support, friendships.

CANDLE - Illumination 
High Note: Your inner light guides your way.

Low Note: Energy management is required.

Vibration: Throat Chakra.

Keywords: Illumination, sacrifice, inner radiance.

BLACK CAT - Psychism 

High Note: Visionary skills guide your way

Low Note: Psychic awareness is required.

Vibration: Third Eye Chakra

Keywords: Psychism, clairvoyance, psychic protection

ARADIA - Heritage 

High Note: Now is the time to claim your birthright - success awaits.

Low Note: Review personal opinions and belief systems. Habits and prejudices will be challenged.

Vibration: Crown Chakra

Keywords: Birthright, heritage, celestial guidance.

CORD - Initiation 
High Note: Your soul steps closer to the source

Low Note: No need to control. Trust and let go.

Vibration: Soul

Keywords: Initiation, willpower.


High Note: Clear vision now creates your future.

Low Note: Follow your own counsel.

Vibration: Third Eye Chakra

Keywords: Insight, divination, vision.


High Note: Fun and celebration are indicated.

Low Note: Be honorable. Find what makes you truly happy.

Vibration: Base Chakra

Keywords: Enchantment, illusion, fantasy.

CAVE - Retreat

High Note: Rebirth is on its way.

Low Note: Retreat and restore your energy.

Vibration: Sacral Chakra.

Keywords: Retreat, withdrawal, gestation.