Friday 8 August 2014

Weekend Divination Cards - Friday 8th August 2014

Good morning!

Friday again already - another week has flown by!

I hope you have enjoyed the cards this week?

Have you found the messages helpfulf? Insightful? Relevant?

The Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards are really beautifully illustrated.

This is the image on the back of the cards:

Also, with its simple and gentle messages and explanations, I think this deck would be a lovely starter deck for a child :)

Please find your message for Friday below and whatever your star sign - have a wonderful weekend!

Brightest Blessings,

This week we are addressing the 'inner child' because I am using the
 Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards

 by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Quoted from the pack: "With the Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards deck, you can receive messages and guidance related to your present life, your future, and your spiritual path. Suitable for adults and children of all ages, each card features a beautiful unicorn painting and a life-affirming message. The enclosed easy-to-follow guide book, allows you instantly give accurate readings to yourself and others."

These cards are beautiful and the messages are simple, innocent and child-like. They can be used to help teach your child how to use and work with guidance cards, but also it is nice to address our own 'inner child' at times... so that's what we're doing this week!

My personal card for today:

Hello and Goodbye 

You'll soon see that this change will make things better. 

Your life is changing, and you may feel that you don’t have much control. Yet you’re safe and taken care of during this time of change. During your life, you’ll experience many changes. As you say goodbye to the old and hello to the new, you’ll learn that change is a part of everyone’s life. Say hello to the new people, places and events that are coming to you. There’s nothing to fear about your future: It’s happy bright and will be lots of fun.

Full meaning: Your life is changing, and you may feel that you don’t have much control. Yet you’re safe and taken care of during this time of change. During your life, you’ll experience many changes. As you say goodbye to the old and hello to the new, you’ll learn that change is a part of everyone’s life.

You may feel sad to say goodbye, and you may feel afraid of what will happen in the future. This card tells you that new friends are coming your way. You aren’t alone, though, as you will always have old friends and current family members who love you and care about you. So please tell them about your feelings.

Change helps you let go of anything you’ve outgrown. As you say goodbye to the past, you’ll always keep the love and lessons you’ve learned safely within your heart. They’re treasures that you’ll always keep through your life.

Say hello to the new people, places and events that are coming to you. There’s nothing to fear about your future: It’s happy bright and will be lots of fun.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...


Quick message: Think about the people and things you feel grateful for.

Gratitude warms your heart with good feelings that are healthy for your mind and body. You can make yourself feel better by making a list of everything and everyone you’re thankful for. Gratitude replaces sadness, and makes everything go better. Gratitude is such a powerful way to make your life better that it’s almost magical!

Quick message: What you are asking about is the truth.

This card wants you to know that you’re correct in what you’re thinking about this situation. You already know the truth, even if it’s knowledge that’s held deeply in your heart. Take a moment to feel what your body says about this situation. Your body also knows the truth, and it will tell you if you just stop and listen.

Believe in yourself 

Quick message: See yourself doing well, and you will.

Belief means making a decision such as "Yes, I can do this!" When you clearly decide to do it, instead of just trying, you approach the situation with confidence. It doesn't matter if you're doing something new. What matters is that you believe that you can do it. Each time you do something new, you learn and grow. And you'll thank yourself for learning that you can do anything you truly believe you can do.

Quick message: You love and understand animals.

This card is a message from all animals and your own pets to let you know how much they appreciate you. Spend more time with animals, as they help you feel a sense of love that’s safe and sweet. Animals also help you play and have fun. So, take you dog (or a neighbour's) for a long walk, pet a kitten, feed some wild birds, or brush your little animal friend. And be sure to give your pet fresh water and food every day.

Worth Waiting For 

Quick message: Your patience will be rewarded.

You know what you want and you’ve been waiting for it. This card means that your patience is about to pay off! You’ll soon have what your heart desires. It will most likely be better than you expect. What you want is worth waiting for. Instead of settling for something that’s “good enough,” you’ll now have the best. You deserve the best!

Talk about your feelings 

Quick message: Tell a friend how you feel.

This card means that you’ve been holding some feelings inside and need to let them out. When you talk or write about your feelings, you understand them better. Sometimes you don’t know how you really feel until you begin talking.

Quick message: The best way to be good at a skill is to practice, practice, practice until you get it right.

As you practice, you’ll learn new ways and methods. You’ll also enjoy yourself more as you get better at your new skills. So, whether your dream is to paint, write, dance, sing, or do crafts, practice is one way to make your dreams come true.

It's okay to be different 

Quick message: You don't need to be like everyone else. You're perfect just as you are!

Everyone wants to be liked, so it’s normal that you want to fit in with other people. You may compare yourself with others and feel like you don’t belong. You may even feel that you’re not as good as other people. But this card is here to tell you that your special talents are needed in this world. You don’t need to change in order to please others. If you try to be different from who you really are, you won’t be happy and wont make true friends. Just trust that God made you exactly how you’re supposed to be, and make the very best of what you’ve got!

Just be yourself
Quick message: You're a great person - enjoy being yourself.

Sometimes you may worry whether people like you. At those times, you may pretend to be somebody other than yourself. For example you may try to act, talk, or dress like someone you admire. This card says that you’re great right now! You don’t need to act like anyone else. In fact, things will go a lot better, and you’ll feel a lot happier, if you’ll just be yourself.

Let go of stress 
Quick message: Don't take on other people's stress. Breathe it out now.

Now, think of something that makes you feel happy. You can also talk to a friend, a pet, or your angels and unicorns. You don’t have to feel stress, anger, or sadness. You have the power to choose your thoughts and feelings. The unicorns hope that you’ll choose to feel happy right now.

One step at a time 

Quick message: Lots of little steps make big dreams come true.

This card says that you have a big dream, but you may not know how to make it happen. The unicorns want you to know that your dream can come true if you’ll focus on taking one small step at a time. If you will just do one or two things a day related to your dream, it will come true more quickly than you can imagine!

Quick message: When you share, everyone feels happy.

If you’d like to make new friends, start by sharing with them. You can do this in many ways, such as helping someone with their work or giving them some food. You can also share your feelings with a person, and they’ll also share their feeling with you. Sharing feelings often makes your friendships closer. It’s also important to let other people give to you. In friendships, both people give to each other. So let your friends share with you. All you need to do is say “Thank you” and feel happy about how fun it is to share with your friends and family.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!