Thursday 1 August 2013

Daily Divination Cards - Thursday 1st August 2013

Good morning!

Summer is back! It's a beautiful sunny day today!

It's still windy - but Maisie was having great fun this morning, playing 'swim-fetch' plunging into the slightly choppy seas, and surfing back to shore on the waves! I returned home with a very soggy doggy!

While at the Lammas Festival last weekend, I had lots of people ask for recommendations for books and tarot cards, so I decided to create a Cheeky Witch Tarot and Book Store!

(Funnily enough, my card for today is "Create" and it's the second time this week I have got that card!)

I have filled the Book Store with lots of magickal books, tarot, runes and oracle decks - which you may want for yourself (I want them all!) or you could find some great gift ideas for friends and loved ones?

It may be worth bookmarking the site - bearing in mind that they are are only 145 days until Christmas! (She says, running and ducking for cover!)

Go to and you can browse the categories listed on the left of the page - or use the search box if you know what exactly you're looking for!

I'm officially back to work today - so I had better hurry up and plough through the emails and queries - then start making some Bagz of Blessingz!

Please find your card and message for Thursday below and - whatever your star sign - have a great day :)

Brightest Blessings,
Kaz - 100% Free Dating
This week I am using the
The Answer Is Simple Oracle Cards

by Sonia Choquette

Quoted from the pack: "These Oracle cards provide immediate access to your divine Spirit, where you receive specific guidance for any and all challenges facing you in life. Each card not only offers direction for particular proplems, it also reinforces the path to your Higher Self, freeing you from the turbulence and fear of the ego plane.

You can use this deck (and the accompanying guide book) for specific direction, meditation, and life and purpose readings and to offer guidance to others; as well as to connect to your Divine Self, where drama and stress give way to joy and inner peace.

My personal card for today:

Full meaning:

The answer is simple: CREATE

Right now it’s time to summon your creative Spirit and put it to work.

Look beyond current circumstances and use the power within to create new ones.

There’s more to your world than the present is offering, and your Spirit is eager to fashion something different.

You’re stuck in a rut, and your ego would have you believe that what you see now is all there is. This isn’t true, and it’s time to break free from the drudgery and boredom that the same-old, same-old offers.

Remember that you are a Divine creative being, and your primary purpose in life is to create. When you stop doing so, you give up your greatest power.

To create is power - and joy.

If you don’t know where to begin or lack confidence, start with little things, such as a new recipe, a poem, a piece of art, or even a new look. Cut your hair, change your wardrobe, and experiment with colour.

Step up and step out of the predictable and unfulfilling present and into the world of excitement and fun that comes from creating something new.

Once you decide to get creative, your Spirit will assist in the fun. You have nothing to lose but the boredom and dissatisfaction you’re experiencing now.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:

Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!
Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Listen to the Music 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: LISTEN TO THE MUSIC - The bridge to heaven is music, and right now your Spirit is calling you to enjoy its benefits. Don’t allow your ego to diminish its benefits. Don't allow your ego to diminish its importance to your Spirit or cut off from its fuel - music not only regenerates your body, it also raises your vibration and fills your heart with joy and enthusiasm. Turn on the music to gain access to your Higher Self and the Divine Plane of inspiration now. Music will calm the moment. As you listen to it, the heavenly forces will work on your behalf to bring about joyful resolution and a peaceful outcome.

Take a Breather 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: TAKE A BREATHER - Your ego is making you overwork. Remember that it will never be fully satisfied with what you accomplish and will always create the feeling that you must do more. Right now the best way to reconnect with your Spirit is to step back and catch your breath. Although it may feel as though life will fall apart if you do this, that’s not true. You’ll simply disconnect from the false urgencies of the ego and realign with a higher vibration. Once reconnected to your Spirit, you’ll find that there’s always more than enough time to do what’s important. To take a breather is to have faith in the Divine order of life, God is in charge, so you don’t have to work overtime.

Give It to God 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: GIVE IT TO GOD - Our greatest challenge is to rise above our fears and trust in God, our loving Creator, to guide and protect our lives. Your ego would have you believe that it alone is the source of power that guards you, and only it can be trusted. This isn’t accurate and keeps you hostage to it. The Universe has a better plan for you. Although you may not know the plan or see how the Universe will protect you, trust that it will. Your worry is doing you no good, so stop it. Reconnect with your Spirit and trust in God. You can.

Quick message:

The answer is simple: DECORATE - The Spirit is a sensitive light body and is influenced by the environment it finds itself in. Dreary, dark, messy, cluttered, un-clean surroundings send the spirit out the door and invite the goblins and trolls of negativity to move in and camp out in the corners. It’s time to set this right: Open the blinds, clear the decks, paint the walls, change the light bulbs, and decorate the atmosphere where you live. Make your environment a proper home for your Spirit. Your spirit must dwell in a cheerful and festive place, filled with colour and live plants, fresh flowers, clean windows and bright light. Your Spirit is a holy guest in your body and must be treated as royalty. Take the time to create a festive bright atmosphere for your Spirit. Be happy to welcome it home.

Quick message:

The answer is simple: DETOX - The ego accumulates negativity and holds on to it for a long time. It settles into the mind and body as destructive patterns, attitudes, behaviours, habits, and feelings. The more negativity you amass and absorb, the more difficult it is to sense or see the light of your Spirit. It’s time to detox from all of this negativity, to clear the inner light and let it shine once again. Start by cleansing your body. Stop eating heavy foods, sugar, and white flour or using alcohol. Tobacco, and other know toxins for the next few days. These foods and substances tax your system and place a burden on you, dimming the light of your Spirit. It’s also time to eliminate other toxic elements in your life as well. Are your conversations toxic? Are your habits? Is your thinking? How about your associations? If you aren’t sure, ask your Spirit and then feel the vibration of your answer.

Have Fun 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: HAVE FUN - It’s important to keep the inner light of your Spirit shining bright in order to remain uplifted in a dark, negative, ego-based world. The best way to do so is to intentionally surround yourself with things that delight the Spirit in every way. Fuel your inner light with some good old-fashioned fun. Connect with any sounds, scents, tastes, textures, flavours, and friends that amuse your inner child. Step away from drudgery, duty, mindless tasks, and responsibility for one hour - or a day - and do something spontaneous or frivolous. Break from convention and routine, and do something out of the box. The ego disdains frivolity, yet it’s the most direct path to joy. Be frivolous. Lighten up. Have fun. Be silly. It will refuel your light.

Start Anew 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: START ANEW - Okay. So things aren’t as great as you’d like, and in fact, life feels like a big mess right now. Not to worry - simply bless your mess and start over. Whatever is going on at the moment, appreciate the fact that you created it… and because you did so, you can “un-create” it as well. Start by accepting that the situation at hand is your creation. Maybe it’s not your intentional one, but it’s yours, nevertheless. Until you acknowledge your power, you can’t use it correctly. Ask yourself =: “How did I get here? What about the present moment isn’t working for me? What about this is familiar and might be a pattern that I keep repeating and now would like to stop?” and the most important question of all: “What does my Spirit want to experience instead?” Simply study your situation and request that your Spirit free you from whatever creation you don’t enjoy - if you ask, it will oblige.

Dare to Be Happy 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: DARE TO BE HAPPY - You’re beginning to feel the vibration of joy. This is a sign that your Spirit is finally breaking free from the prison of the ego and you’re reconnecting with your true Divine nature. Your next challenge is to be openly happy, even when those around you don’t readily appreciate, or even encourage, your joy. The ego is intimidated by this emotion because it has no power in that frequency. It prefers to keep people in pain. When you break free of its grip, it will try to lure you back by suggesting that your joy is false or temporary - or worse, that you’ll lose it, so there’s no reason to bother in the first place. Stand tall in the joy of your Spirit. One by one, others will become inspired by your higher vibration and begin to resonate with it, finding their happiness as well.

Connect with Your Soul Family 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: CONNECT WITH YOUR SOUL FAMILY - This isn’t the moment to attempt things alone. Your Spirit is isolated and needs extra support and energy. It’s time to convene with kindred Spirits - contact those who genuinely know you, love you, and deeply appreciate your Spirit. Time spent with your soul family will allow you to remember what’s most important to your Spirit right now, and the added support is essential to your success.

Accept Love 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: ACCEPT LOVE - As a Divine child of the Universe, your Creator fully loves your Holy Spirit. Moreover, your Spirit is pleasing to God and to those around you. Your ego doubts this truth. It whispers into your ear that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, or accomplished enough to be genuinely loved. This is a lie, which you must fight. Ask your Spirit to shed its brilliant illumination onto these dark and fearful thoughts. Breathe in and accept the light and love your Creator has for you. Let it chase away the shadows of self-doubt and judgement away.

Be Courageous 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: BE COURAGEOUS - Your ego is intimidated and wants to run away from the challenge at hand. It will offer any number of arguments to justify its fear and to tell you why you should quit now, none of which are valid. It’s okay to be afraid just as long as you don’t allow your fear to stop you from living the truth of your Spirit. Overcoming it is easier that you think: Simply admit that you’re scared. This emotion is normal. The human condition is always fearful. It’s the Divine part of you, your Spirit, that’s fearless. It’s courageous because it knows that the Universe supports you all the way. Breath is Spirit. When you inhale deeply, it gives way to courage. Summon yours by drawing in your Spirit. You’re protected, so breathe and stay the course.

Reach Out
Quick message:

The answer is simple: REACH OUT - It’s time to open your heart and arms and touch others with your Spirit. Your ego is putting up a defensive shield, having you believe that there are enemy forces out there from which you must be protected and withdraw. Your Spirit, however, knows that there’s no “them” to defend against - there are just “us” beautiful souls needing to be loved… and right now, needing your love. Your Spirit wants you to connect with others now. Unfold your arms, turn toward those around you, and reach out. Your love and healing forces are needed . Trust yourself to make a difference, and connect.


Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!