Thursday 30 August 2012

Daily Divination Cards - Thursday 30th August 2012

Good morning!

Had a late night - staying up to watch the opening ceremony of the paralympic games. I wanted to see it because I was looking out for Joe Townsend - knowing he was going to be in the ceremony, but not sure when, or what he'd be doing. He'd told people that we wouldn't miss him and he wasn't joking!

Wow! What an entrance! Flying in on a zip wire from the Orbital Tower into the stadium with the Olympic flame!

Such an emotional moment! I was jumping up down, cheering in my living room!

I can't begin to imagine how his Mum, Debi must have been feeling - absolutely bursting with pride and probably just a bit nervous seeing him dangling from such a great height! EEEK!

Fantastic! Joe is such an inspiration! Can't wait to see him compete in Rio in 2016 :)

After the 'highs' of last night, I woke up to the 'lows' of having to say goodbye to my daughter this morning :(

Katie and Jeff are heading back home to France, after their holiday in the UK, and left early this morning. It's alway difficult saying goodbye, knowing that I might not see her for another 6 months or more...

However, after they'd left I took Maisie out for her morning walk and was rewarded with this beautiful sight:


Don't you just love rainbows?!

Not the best photo ever (taken on my phone) but here's a close up:


Isn't nature wonderful - the colours are so gorgeous!

So I am feeling much better now - inspired, full of joy and optimism and - because I always see a rainbow as a 'sign' of something good to come - I'm curious as to what the day may bring!

I'll leave you with this uplifting and joyful image I spotted on Facebook and whatever your star sign - I wish you a wonderful day :)

live life

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the 

The Answer Is Simple Oracle Cards 

by Sonia Choquette

Quoted from the pack: "These Oracle cards provide immediate access to your divine Spirit, where you receive specific guidance for any and all challenges facing you in life. Each card not only offers direction for particular proplems, it also reinforces the path to your Higher Self, freeing you from the turbulence and fear of the ego plane.

You can use this deck (and the accompanying guide book) for specific direction, meditation, and life and purpose readings and to offer guidnace to others; as well as to connect to your Divine Self, where drama and stress give way to joy and inner peace. - 100% Free Dating

My personal card for today:


The answer is simple: STEP AWAY FROM THE CROWD 

You’re suffering from a case of to much talking, your own and others’. You can’t hear your spirit because it’s being drowned out by too many ego voices and opinions. No doubt about it - you need some time alone. Don’t allow your ego to deny you this important check-in with your Spirit. It may tell you that you have no time. It might suggest that you can get to it later - or worse, that if you dare step away from catering to others for even a moment, you’ll be in danger and your life will fall apart. This is all such exaggeration and drama. Although the ego would like you to believe that it has to be perpetually vigilant, you’re completely safe to go within - and you must do so.

Our loving Creator is watching over you, so you don’t have to solicit a million other opinions to feel safe. Time alone will reconnect you with your Spirit and Divine Source and quiet the litany of outside opinions running your life. Take a few minutes to yourself today. The more time you allow with your Spirit, the more time you will find for everything else.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...

Quick message:

The answer is simple: STOP - The ego is running wild with confusion, causing unnecessary stress and leading you in the wrong direction. Presently you’re at risk of overreacting to things and are making poor decisions. You may feel threatened, defensive, or angry or feel the need to try too hard to please others. No matter how this runaway fear is manifesting, it’s time to stop. In spite of appearances you are causing your greatest troubles, and no one else. Doing nothing doesn’t mean nothing is being done. The Universe will right any imbalance as soon as you stop making waves.

Quick message:

The answer is simple: REBEL - It’s time for your Spirit to rebel from your ego and take charge of your life. There’s no one to answer to but your Higher Self. It’s time to let go of all past authority figures who still run your inner world, and allow your Spirit to step into command. Be free of the fear you carry over from the past. Call to mind all those ghosts from years ago who scared you into submission with their disapproval and threats. Line them up, one by one, in your mind’s eye, and see them shrinking down to human size. You answer only to God and your personal truth. The only question now is:What is your personal truth? Listen to your Spirit for the answer, and fearlessly follow this as your ultimate authority.

See the Light 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: SEE THE LIGHT - The great illusion of the ego is that it sees itself as less than, or better than, others. This creates a false sense of separation and isolation, cutting you off from the Divine flow of life. The Spirit within knows we’re all of the same Source and honours self and others equally. The ancients called this false sense of ego separation “Stink Eye” - the sad affliction of not seeing the shared beauty of Spirit in all. Where in your life are you suffering from Stink Eye? Where do you feel less than or better than those around you? Where are you feeling inadequate or superior? Where do you feel jealous or indifferent? Angry or insecure? This false perception is robbing you of your right to inner peace, and it cuts you off from Source. To clear the Stink Eye, look for the common elements you share with those from whom you feel separate. See both the human and Divine in yourself as well as others. We all have challenges and weaknesses as well as Divine Light. Free yourself from Stink eye by looking with the eye of Spirit instead of the filters of the ego.

Blow Off Some Steam 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: BLOW OFF SOME STEAM - Whoa! Easy now. Your ego is feeling threatened, so it has moved into “fight or flight,” filling your body with adrenaline, making you ready to come out boxing. When your body is flooded with this hormone, it’s difficult to connect with your Spirit because you’re filled with fear. In this state, you’re likely to make rash decisions, say things you don’t mean, draw conclusions that aren’t accurate, and overreact. The best way to reconnect with your Spirit and find the correct course of action at this time is to blow off some steam. Go to the gym and punch a bag. Hop in the shower and scream at the top o your lungs. Visit the seashore and yell into the wind. Make no decisions while you are riled up. Stay off the phone. Refrain from sending emails - no text messages either. Wait until you have clarity before you act. As your fear subsides, your Spirit will emerge.

Quick message:

The answer is simple: DECORATE - The Spirit is a sensitive light body and is influenced by the environment it finds itself in. Dreary, dark, messy, cluttered, un-clean surroundings send the spirit out the door and invite the goblins and trolls of negativity to move in and camp out in the corners. It’s time to set this right: Open the blinds, clear the decks, paint the walls, change the light bulbs, and decorate the atmosphere where you live. Make your environment a proper home for your Spirit. Your spirit must dwell in a cheerful and festive place, filled with colour and live plants, fresh flowers, clean windows and bright light. Your Spirit is a holy guest in your body and must be treated as royalty. Take the time to create a festive bright atmosphere for your Spirit. Be happy to welcome it home.

Stick With It 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: STICK WITH IT - As you wake up your Spirit and begin to live in the higher frequency of love, the ego becomes confused and wants to resist. This new energy displaces the ego’s power and renders it impotent so it tries to reverse or arrest the changes. Be aware of your ego’s resistance and stay true to your Spirit anyway. Ignore inner ego dialogue that suggests you’re wasting your time, and thus tries to discourage your efforts. Although you may not see instant results, you can feel the change within your cells as you bring more light and love to your being. Stick with your higher intentions and soon you’ll witness the effects in your world.

Call Your Spirit Home 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: CALL YOUR SPIRIT HOME - Are you tired of the same dreary arrangement of self-denial, insecurity, and boredom that you come home to at the end of every hard day at work? You feel this lack of inspiration because your joyful Spirit has been living outside of your body and your home. Your ego has taken over and pushed it out the door. It’s time to call your Spirit back. Your spirit is holy and requires a place of peace and serenity to dwell in. Invite it home by cleaning up your residence and airing out the old. If your home is cluttered, dusty, falling a part, and just plain ugly, it’s not appealing to your Spirit. Clean up and clear out the debris to attract your Spirit once again. Make you space a place truly worthy of your Spirit and it will return. Light a candle, say a prayer, and call it home. You’ll know that you’ve succeeded because you will feel inspired and happy to be home, in every sense of the word.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF - Someone makes a comment that troubles you. Another misinterprets your intentions. The plans you make don’t go off as you wish. People aren’t cooperating and it frustrates you. Time is running out… It’s all so irritating that your ego can hardly stand it. Welcome to life. If it’s not one thing it’s another. The key is to remain detached and observe events as they unfold from the standpoint of your Spirit. Simply remain calm and don’t try to control what happens, especially before it does. Take life as it comes and enjoy it.

Take a Breather 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: TAKE A BREATHER - Your ego is making you overwork. Remember that it will never be fully satisfied with what you accomplish and will always create the feeling that you must do more. Right now the best way to reconnect with your Spirit is to step back and catch your breath. Although it may feel as though life will fall apart if you do this, that’s not true. You’ll simply disconnect from the false urgencies of the ego and realign with a higher vibration. Once reconnected to your Spirit, you’ll find that there’s always more than enough time to do what’s important. To take a breather is to have faith in the Divine order of life, God is in charge, so you don’t have to work overtime.

Give It to God 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: GIVE IT TO GOD - Our greatest challenge is to rise above our fears and trust in God, our loving Creator, to guide and protect our lives. Your ego would have you believe that it alone is the source of power that guards you, and only it can be trusted. This isn’t accurate and keeps you hostage to it. The Universe has a better plan for you. Although you may not know the plan or see how the Universe will protect you, trust that it will. Your worry is doing you no good, so stop it. Reconnect with your Spirit and trust in God. You can.

Reclaim Your Art 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: RECLAIM YOUR ART - Every Spirit is an artist, and without art, it has no way to express itself. Let your creative Spirit speak: Write a poem. Paint a picture. Get out the watercolours and make a card. Take a beautiful photo. Play music. Create a gourmet meal or plant a garden. If you’re comfortable in one art form, try another. Get to know your Spirit through your own artistic experimentation. Enjoy your creativity for yourself. Your controlling ego will try to tell you that art is a waste of time and has no value. This suffocates your Spirit and sucks the joy out of your being. Silence the critical ego and hear your Spirit through some form of art today… yes, today.
Say “No!” 

Quick message:

The answer is simple: SAY “NO!” - The ego is exposing you to behaviours and circumstances that aren’t in your best interest. It’s keeping you from being self-loving and honoring your Spirit. Be aware of these toxic conditions, and say no to them. Examine the circumstances you face now and recognize which choices brought you where you are. Then say no to the negative and toxic ones. Love and value your Spirit enough to reject what doesn’t serve you. Divine forces will help you once you decide to love yourself enough to firmly say “No!”
