Tuesday 24 July 2012

Daily Divination Cards - Tuesday 24th July 2012

Good morning!

Another beautiful sunny, blue skies day... Hope it lasts until the weekend!

I've already had some lovely, encouraging feedback comments about the new card deck that I am using this week. I must say that I am very pleased with them so far :)

Running late today and it's going to be very busy over the next few days, leading up to the Lammas Festival, so my blogs will be short and sweet this week - however, I should be able to fly in quickly every day and do the cards for you :)

I hope you find the messages insightful and interesting?!

Whatever your star sign - have a wonderful day :)

Brightest Blessings,
Kaz - 100% Free Dating

This week I am using the 
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards 

by Colette Baron-Reid

Quoted from the pack: "Imagine... between the invisible and the unseen is a guiding force that some call Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, or Consciousness. Using this card deck by Collette Baron-Reid will connect you to that larger Consciousness and guide you as you travel along the journey of your life.. The themes of these 54 cards represent some of the places you'll visit, the conditions you may encounter, and the allies and challenges you'll meet as you navigate a metaphoric map of your life's journey. The enclosed guidebook will help you ask the right questions and interpret the messages in your readings.

The Enchanted Map Oracle cards were created in order to empower you to understand the story of your of your fate, destiny, and free will; and allow you to chart a course to live a life of deep purpose, true prosperity, and vibrant love."

My personal card for today:


“Fear is an illusion. Choose love today. Forgive yourself and others.”

Goblins are born when you’re wounded and something essential is lost in that experience. From that point on, as you forget your wholeness, they remain with you in the shadows. There, they remind you of what brought them into being, by mimicking your voice, tricking you into believing that you’re unworthy, victimized, or unlovable. They hold you hostage through low self-worth, self-sabotage, and the feeling that you’re lacking what you need.

If Goblins pay you a visit, know that they represent the shadow of your own self, or someone else’s, and that they’re leading you into a potentially reactive situation. A Goblins card’s appearance is an opportunity for growth, however, and a signal that you must love yourself. No human is without flaws. The Goblin’s message is that you must release resentments and negative self-talk. Within in you is the spark of the Divine. Ask Spirit to help heal you. Miracles can and do happen. Let go of negativity.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how it relates to you - and how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...


“Loss is a part of life. Let go and allow time to heal you.”

You may be entering into a period where loss is a theme. Tears are like healing rain that can restore life into a parched inner landscape. Whatever the loss - however great it is - let go, and experience your feelings so that you may soon see what beauty lies ahead.

“You have the capacity to flow around any obstacle. This is the time to adapt.”

Sometimes you’ll come across what appears to be an insurmountable obstacle, like a huge mountain that separates you from success. You’ll move past this obstacle relatively quickly if you choose the easy way round. This is the time to adapt to your circumstances. If you do decide to climb, remember to take one step at a time, opting for the next right action.


“Dig deep for inspiration and truth. Now s the time to become resilient and adaptable.”

This card reminds you that there are times when you’re meant to be resilient as you journey through harsher circumstances. You’re being required to conserve your energy. This may not seem like the most productive time, but looks are deceiving. This is a most important place to find what’s truly right for you.


“You are calm within, no matter the fluctuation of outer conditions.”

There are times when things seem a bit topsy-turvy, and it feels as if you’re juggling a thousand balls in the air. Perhaps you are unsure of your footing. Now is the moment to evaluate which areas of your life need balance and then restore equilibrium.


“You are a clear channel for Divine creativity.”

There is a spark of creativity in you, and there is every reason to move forward with optimism and hope. Open yourself to inspiration and allow life to show you its beauty and your part in co-creating it.


“Your intuition allows you to see beyond the mundane, logical and analytical. Follow it.”

Remember that the languages of intuition is a symbolic one. It comes subtly through a hunch, a “tingling,” a clear sound, or an animal or object crossing your path. Spirit is sending you messages to help you now. Success is yours if you follow the signs.

“You are whole and have everything you need within.”

Look closely at your circumstances to see if you’re fully present or reacting out of past conditioning and unconscious expectations. You have everything you believe you lack. Act as if you have what you need and you’ll find you have it after all. Anything is possible. With awareness, the wounds of the past need not define you.


“Everything is connected through the universal flow of consciousness.”

Like an ever-flowing Magic Stream, your experiences filter through the whole world, one leading into another, informing and influencing still more. When you remember you’re part of the fluid continuity of life, you become a channel for great inspiration. Allow the magic to flow through you and carry your dreams into reality. Your success will benefit many.

“If you expect the unexpected, you’ll be prepared for miracles.”

Detours, surprises and paradigm shifts… expect the unexpected. Life is full of surprises, so stay on your toes and enjoy this exciting new adventure you weren’t expecting. There is a plan for your life that may not match up with your agenda.

“Speak your prayers, listen for the answers, act in faith.”

When you see the Magic Prayer card, it is a reminder that your prayers will be answered. Spirit is always waiting to help you - and heal you - when you’re in need. That said, the best prayer is “They will be done thorough me; they will and not mine be done.” Surrender your wishes and desires to Spirit. You may not get what you want, but you will surely get what you need.


“Surrender and acceptance are the keys to freedom.”

As difficult as it may be to accept, it seems that you’ve reached a point where you can go no further in the same manner in which you have been doing things. A new direction and new strategy are called for. The only way out is through surrender. The Rock Bottom card is a sign that a miracle is about to occur, but only if you let go completely.


“Everything has its season. Now is the time to put activity on hold while you rest.”

The cold winter beckons you to slow down and put a “freeze” on things that are not yet ready to bloom. It’s time for regeneration and hibernation. Self-care is the most important activity now… so reflect, read a good book, or get a massage. Rest and dream.


Anonymous said...

Kaz, I'm a Leo and I have to say, today's is AWESOME! Yesterday I received my beginner tarot card kit. I've never done and am anxious to learn and open myself up. My reading for today, is spot on and just gave me the motivation I needed to jump right in! :)

Kaz said...

That's great Brenda! Good luck and have fun! x