Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Wednesday 19th November 2014

Good morning!

Sorry I missed yesterday - things were happening and I couldn't get focused!

I'm on tenterhooks at the moment, waiting to hear some news. Hopefully good news which will bring some welcome changes!

I should know by the end of the week, so I will let you know what it's all about, as soon as I know the outcome.

To say I am excited by the possibilities is an understatement!

In the meantime, I need to knuckle down, get on with my work and make my Bagz of Blessingz and Krimbles orders.

But first - the cards!

Please find your message for today below and whatever your star sign - have a great day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the
Atlantis Cards
by Diana Cooper

Quoted from the pack: "The myth of the magical world of Atlantis has fascinated people for centuries: the spiritually highly evolved inhabitants of the Golden Atlantis revered and honoured every aspect of the natural world, recognising that everyone and everything is a part of the Source. From this respectful position they lead lives full of grace, compassion and love for each other.

Diana Cooper has magnificently captured and put to use the positive vibrations of the Atlantean time in this new card set richly illustrated by Damian Keenan. They can provide insights and inspiration for our life path, highlighting our strengths and helping us to work with our weaknesses in the best possible way."

My personal card for today:


Full meaning: The Magi were highly trained shamans, alchemists and magicians with truly awesome powers. During the Golden Age, they used these skills for the benefit of all and were greatly revered. When the Magi decided to use their power for aggrandisement, the frequency of Atlantis spiralled down. Everything on Earth has a natural cycle. The Golden Age was the pinnacle of light followed by aeons of darkness. Now it is time to rise once more to a higher frequency.

Change. Change. This card indicates the end of a cycle. In this plane of duality, situations and relationships inevitably end, making room for different experiences. It is time to watch your ego and purify yourself, so that the new can be better than the old.

Watch your ego as you prepare for change.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...


Quick message: Manifest your vision. If you choose this card, your guidance is to become totally clear about what you want in your life. Be sure that you really want it! When you have clarity, focus on your vision without doubt or deviation and it must manifest.

Focus on your vision and make it happen.


Quick message: Roots. If you draw this card you are guided to strengthen your connection with 'home', which may mean meditating on your stellar origins. Alternatively, it may suggest that you explore your background and ancestral heritage. You may even need to put down more roots to enhance your feeling of belonging.

Deepen your roots to create a solid foundation.


Quick message: Do unto others. If you drew this card, your guidance is to ask yourself how you would like to be treated and act towards others accordingly. For example, if you want someone to see your side of an argument, make sure you listen to theirs. This enables you to maintain a higher perspective on life, which will help you rise into a fifth dimension.

Act towards others as you would like to be treated.

Quick message: Wisdom and joy. This card suggests that you live lightly and wisely, bringing joy, fun and laughter into your life. You are also guided to develop your healing abilities, serving your fellow humans and the planet.

Serve with wisdom and joy.


Quick message: Togetherness. What can you share today? It may be your friendship, your time or something more tangible. Receiving this card guides you to give away anything you no longer need. It also suggests that you co-operate with others for the greater good. Be generous-hearted and your rewards from the Universe will be great.

Co-operate in a vision greater than yourself.

Quick message: The breath of life. If you chose this card, your guidance is to let go and relax, for busy-ness and stress block your divine essence. Breathe deeply so that the cells of your body can release your full, divine potential.

Find time to rest and relax.


Quick message: If you chose this card you may be presented with a challenge or responsibility. Accept it and do it graciously to the very best of your ability. It doesn't matter if you fail or succeed. participate with all your heart and soul in whatever life presents you.

Aim to do your best.

Quick message: Keep your life in balance. Your guidance is to find equilibrium in every area of your life. Make sure you give and receive equally and keep your work and play in balance.

Balance every area of your life.

Quick message: Commitment. Your guidance is to commit yourself to something - a project, you home, family, work or relationship. Commitment is a powerful contract that will focus your energy to enable your intent to flourish.

Make a commitment.


Quick message: Harmony. This is the card of harmony. Your guidance is to make sure that everything in your life is in balance and accord. It is a reminder that beautiful music and chanting can change your mood and lift your spirits.

Keep everything in harmony.


Quick message: Be harmless. If you draw this card, your guidance is to connect with an animal today. Consider what you are learning from it and maintain an attitude of harmlessness as you telepathically offer greetings. Stay open for a response, a message or a sense of connection, for an animal wishes to communicate something that will help you.

Learn from animals and practise harmlessness.


Quick message: Be individual. Your guidance is to do or make something creative. However you express this, you are called on to channel your divine energy into the unique, beautiful, harmonious and original.

Create something unique and satisfying.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!