Monday, 17 November 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Monday 17th November 2014


I hope you had a good weekend?

I was lucky enough to go to the cinema on Saturday - we went to see The Imitation Game starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley.

It was VERY good and I can highly recommend it, if you're thinking about seeing it, you should definitely go!

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I spent yesterday working on 2 of my websites - and

They really needed updating and are still 'works in progress' - but I'm quite pleased with what I managed to accomplish yesterday.

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Sorry I am rather late today - it's Manic Monday and I've made 17 orders so far, and still have emails and queries to respond to, but I thought I would take a quick break and do the cards before it was to late!

I am using the Atlantis Cards this week.

Please find your message for Monday below and whatever your star sign - have a good day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the 

Atlantis Cards
by Diana Cooper

Quoted from the pack: "The myth of the magical world of Atlantis has fascinated people for centuries: the spiritually highly evolved inhabitants of the Golden Atlantis revered and honoured every aspect of the natural world, recognising that everyone and everything is a part of the Source. From this respectful position they lead lives full of grace, compassion and love for each other.

Diana Cooper has magnificently captured and put to use the positive vibrations of the Atlantean time in this new card set richly illustrated by Damian Keenan. They can provide insights and inspiration for our life path, highlighting our strengths and helping us to work with our weaknesses in the best possible way."

My personal card for today:


Full meaning: The Golden Atlanteans honoured every aspect of the natural world, understanding that everyone and everything is part of the Source. Humans, animals and nature worked together and there was no fear between the species. Plants reciprocated with a bountiful harvest. Animals gave their produce freely and lovingly. Recognising the divine uniqueness of all life forms, the people never tried to alter or interfere with the genetic blueprint of life.

Uniqueness. This card reminds you to recognise and honour your uniqueness and that of everyone else. Consciously contribute to the well-being of the natural world and notice how people, animals and plants respond to you. Your guidance is to check your thoughts, words and deeds are harmless and well-intentioned; then your rewards will be bountiful beyond your expectations.

It is time to harvest your abundance.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...


Quick message: Change. This card indicates the end of a cycle. In this plane of duality, situations and relationships inevitably end, making room for different experiences. It is time to watch your ego and purify yourself, so that the new can be better than the old.

Watch your ego as you prepare for change.

Quick message: Order and consequences. This card reminds you that you live in an ordered Universe where there is consequence for all your thoughts, words and actions. Change your beliefs, understandings and patterns. Watch your thoughts and concentrate on wholesome ones to create the life you want.

Change your life by following the Spiritual laws.


Quick message: Wisdom and joy. This card suggests that you live lightly and wisely, bringing joy, fun and laughter into your life. You are also guided to develop your healing abilities, serving your fellow humans and the planet.

Serve with wisdom and joy.

Quick message: Live in the now. Your guidance is to be fully present, emotionally as well as physically, for yourself and others today. The past is gone and churning about it is wasted energy. The future is yet to be written for you manifest it with your current thoughts.

Remain aware at all times.

Quick message: Satisfaction. This card suggests that it is time to experience a well-deserved feeling of satisfaction. Accept yourself as you are and acknowledge all your good qualities and gifts. Then breathe in quiet contentment.

Be content as you are.

Quick message: Watch your thoughts. Watch your thoughts, words and beliefs today. Eliminate everything negative - including words of gossip doubt or fear. Decide on your personal goal and your vision for your community and the world.

Success awaits you.


Quick message: Direct your power. This card suggests that you look at the source of your inner power. Every thought, word and action radiates an energy that affects others and draws situations and people to you. Make sure your aims are for the highest good.

Use your power for the highest good.


Quick message: Quiet contemplation. Receiving this card indicates that you are called on to spend some time in contemplation or meditation. Remember that you can more readily access your inner wisdom where it is silent.

Be still and access your inner wisdom.

Quick message: If you chose this card you may be presented with a challenge or responsibility. Accept it and do it graciously to the very best of your ability. It doesn't matter if you fail or succeed. participate with all your heart and soul in whatever life presents you.

Aim to do your best.


Quick message: Keep secrets. Your guidance is to maintain silence until it is appropriate for you to divulge information. The sphinx may indicate that you must keep your own, other people's secrets, to prove that others can trust you.

Keep your own counsel and the secrets of others.



Quick message: Keep your life in balance. Your guidance is to find equilibrium in every area of your life. Make sure you give and receive equally and keep your work and play in balance.

Balance every area of your life.

Quick message: The breath of life. If you chose this card, your guidance is to let go and relax, for busy-ness and stress block your divine essence. Breathe deeply so that the cells of your body can release your full, divine potential.

Find time to rest and relax.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!