Friday, 21 November 2014

Weekend Divination Cards - Friday 21st November 2014

Good morning!

It's Friday again- another week has flown by and what an emotional roller coaster it's been.

For those that don't know my situation, here's an explanation...

I am in the UK. I am self-employed and work from home - mainly making my little Bagz and Boxez of Blessingz and selling them on Ebay and Amazon.

My income has always been low - but I am happy working for myself and creating my little gifts.

However, I constantly have LOTS of ideas of things I would like to do and to make - if I had the funds to do so.

When I found Zazzle 5 years ago, I was delighted to be able to get my ideas out of my head (and my bedside note book!) and on to products which people would actually be able to buy.

If you don't know about Zazzle, it's a POD - Print on Demand - website which allows artists and designers to create products online, at no cost other than time. Time to create and time to promote.

Zazzle make, print and ship the items and the designer receives a small royalty if one of their designs is purchased.

Zazzle is a huge site, with THOUSANDS of products and designers, and for people to find your products it's a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack, so designers have to try to help potential customers to find their products and Zazzle Stores.

I was so excited to be able to 'see' my ideas made real! My Cheeky Witch slogans on Mugs and T Shirts, etc. It was dream come true!

Trying to make people aware of my products was a nightmare :(

After a while I sort of gave up and forgot about my Zazzle store... and just carried on my with Bagz of Blessingz.

In 2010 I had my 50th birthday. I decided to treat myself to booking a stall at the Eastbourne Lammas Festival for the first time.

I saved up and had a few of my Cheeky Witch Mug Designs printed. The problem is, unless you can order hundreds of each design, you can't get a very good price, so you can't sell the mugs as cheaply as you'd like, but I wanted to see if pagan people liked my designs and shared my sense of witchy humour and this was the ideal opportunity!

I was delighted by the reaction to my mugs (and the few T shirts I had printed too) and I had quite a few sales, but my prices were higher than I would have liked, because I had been unable to buy in bulk. I'm sure I would have sold more if they had been less expensive.

I was happy because I knew people liked my Cheeky Witch Stuff, but frustrated because I had no money to do anything about it.

My Cheeky Witch Page on Facebook was growing slowly and I was selling a few mugs on ebay, then I found out that a photo of one of my mugs had been shared on the Confessions of Crafty Witch Page and when I contacted them to say it was my mug design, they tagged me in the post, told everyone and sent them to my page - and all of a sudden my Facebook page took off! (Thank you Daw!)

I now found myself with lots of followers from the USA and enquiries about my mugs, but the shipping costs from the UK to the USA are so high it made them unaffordable for most people - so I began referring people to my Zazzle Store again!

I have since added new designs and have had fairly regular sales - but Zazzle get all the money, apart from my small royalty, and I still can't afford to get my own designs printed and produced here in the UK.

I often receive messages from people in the UK, who want to buy my Cheeky Witch products, but Zazzle's prices (which are rather high, unless they have a promotion running) and the postage from the USA make them unaffordable - they request to buy from me, here in the UK, and I have to explain to them that, although I am British and live in England, I dont have the funds to produce my own designs - to sell in my own country!

It's very frustrating!

So you can understand why, on Tuesday, I was so excited when a UK based Wholesaler showed interest in producing some of my Cheeky Witch designs, for selling here in the UK.

I was told that they really liked my products and they would be discussed in their product development meeting on Wednesday - and that they would get back to me by the end of the week!

So, as you can imagine, I was on a real high and on tenterhooks, as I awaited news. Daring to believe that Cheeky Witch Mugs could soon be available in shops around the UK!

Yesterday I received a very nice 'rejection' email.

Back down to earth with a thud.

As I said, it's been a real emotional roller coaster - from being high on the possibilities, on the edge of achieving my dreams, to as low as you can get and bitterly disappointed.

I'm trying to pick myself up today.

I need Chocolate and Baileys!


Better wait until this evening though...

Sorry to be a miserable witch today, I think I may put up my Christmas decorations tomorrow - that should cheer me up!

Hopefully I'll be back to being a more cheerful Cheeky Witch on Monday.

Please find your message below and whatever your star sign - have a good weekend :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the
 Atlantis Cards

by Diana Cooper

Quoted from the pack: "The myth of the magical world of Atlantis has fascinated people for centuries: the spiritually highly evolved inhabitants of the Golden Atlantis revered and honoured every aspect of the natural world, recognising that everyone and everything is a part of the Source. From this respectful position they lead lives full of grace, compassion and love for each other.

Diana Cooper has magnificently captured and put to use the positive vibrations of the Atlantean time in this new card set richly illustrated by Damian Keenan. They can provide insights and inspiration for our life path, highlighting our strengths and helping us to work with our weaknesses in the best possible way."

My personal card for today:


A two-thousand-year ice age allowed the Earth to detoxify, rest and purify, so that the planet could vibrate at a higher frequency. During the ice age, the Intergalactic Council was able to plan the fifth and final experiment of Atlantis, heralding the Golden Age - the most glorious and spiritual time there has ever been on this planet.

Preparation time. If you chose this card, it indicates that a time of rest and relaxation is needed. Use this space to look within and purify your beliefs and thoughts. This is a time to contemplate or meditate on your life-purpose and prepare yourself so that the new can come into your life at a higher frequency than the old.

The seeds of new beginnings are germinating.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
Due to lack of time, etc. These are the 'quick reading' messages - for the full reading and meaning of the cards you will need to obtain these cards for yourself - or get someone else to buy them for you as a gift!

Here are your messages and insights for today. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...


Quick message: Do unto others. If you drew this card, your guidance is to ask yourself how you would like to be treated and act towards others accordingly. For example, if you want someone to see your side of an argument, make sure you listen to theirs. This enables you to maintain a higher perspective on life, which will help you rise into a fifth dimension.

Act towards others as you would like to be treated.


Quick message: Quiet contemplation. Receiving this card indicates that you are called on to spend some time in contemplation or meditation. Remember that you can more readily access your inner wisdom where it is silent.

Be still and access your inner wisdom.

Quick message: Watch your thoughts. Watch your thoughts, words and beliefs today. Eliminate everything negative - including words of gossip doubt or fear. Decide on your personal goal and your vision for your community and the world.
Success awaits you.

Quick message: Satisfaction. This card suggests that it is time to experience a well-deserved feeling of satisfaction. Accept yourself as you are and acknowledge all your good qualities and gifts. Then breathe in quiet contentment.

Be content as you are.

Quick message: Uniqueness. This card reminds you to recognise and honour your uniqueness and that of everyone else. Consciously contribute to the well-being of the natural world and notice how people, animals and plants respond to you. Check your thoughts, words and deeds are harmless and well-intentioned.

It is time to harvest your abundance.

Quick message: Wisdom and joy. This card suggests that you live lightly and wisely, bringing joy, fun and laughter into your life. You are also guided to develop your healing abilities, serving your fellow humans and the planet.

Serve with wisdom and joy.


Quick message: Togetherness. What can you share today? It may be your friendship, your time or something more tangible. Receiving this card guides you to give away anything you no longer need. It also suggests that you co-operate with others for the greater good. Be generous-hearted and your rewards from the Universe will be great.

Co-operate in a vision greater than yourself.


Quick message: Roots. If you draw this card you are guided to strengthen your connection with 'home', which may mean meditating on your stellar origins. Alternatively, it may suggest that you explore your background and ancestral heritage. You may even need to put down more roots to enhance your feeling of belonging.

Deepen your roots to create a solid foundation.

Quick message: Keep your life in balance. Your guidance is to find equilibrium in every area of your life. Make sure you give and receive equally and keep your work and play in balance.
Balance every area of your life.


Quick message: Cosmic help. Your guidance is to call on the Great Cosmic Pool of energy for it is now time to manifest your dreams. Only negative thoughts can hold you back, so call in the Violet Flame to dissolve them. Move forward now.

The Cosmos is ready to help you.


Quick message: Be individual. Your guidance is to do or make something creative. However you express this, you are called on to channel your divine energy into the unique, beautiful, harmonious and original.

Create something unique and satisfying.

Quick message: The breath of life. If you chose this card, your guidance is to let go and relax, for busy-ness and stress block your divine essence. Breathe deeply so that the cells of your body can release your full, divine potential.

Find time to rest and relax.

Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!