Cheeky Witch® Oracle Blog for the Week beginning Monday 18th June 2018
I hope you had a good week? Mine was very busy, as usual!
Juggling my Blessingz orders on Amazon and Ebay - and taking care of my daughter-in-law's Monkey Loves Tom Baby Bibs business on Amazon (posting out her orders too) - while they were on their honeymoon in Crete!
In my 'spare' time, I created a new little gift range for my Ebay store - Little Blessingz Gemstone Gifts!
Like this one 😃

(It takes ages making them and then taking all the photos and cropping and re-sizing them for the web!)
I also designed and had printed a T-Shirt for my Dad for Father's Day and a sample Cheeky Witch® design on a tank top for me (see the photo of me and Dad below) and I ordered a sample of my latest mug design to be sent to me too!
I love it! It's my new 'favourite mug' and fits in my coffee machine perfectly!
On Saturday I spent most of the day doing housework and moving furniture, trying to re-organise the spare bedrooms and unpacked some more boxes. (We moved a year ago and still have loads to unpack!)
Today I've had a lovely day, spending time with my Mum and my SuperDad - celebrating Father's Day.
That's enough about my week - just time to wish you all a Blessed Summer Solstice, before getting on with the cards!!
Kaz x
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This week I am using the Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray, artwork by Lily Moses.
This is the image on the back of the cards:
If you are in the UK these are on Amazon here.
If you're in the USA they are on Amazon here.
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Here are the cards for each of the starsigns.
Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from and/or act upon its message in the coming week...
Remember that only love is real. Miracles will occur naturally. Spirit has your back.
Stand strong. Focus on your purpose. Release the fear of persecution and speak your truth.
Major spiritual chnages are unfolding. This is your chance to soar.
Awaken to acceptance and divine love. Give and receive in balance.
Think about what you desire. Set your sights high. Expect the best possible outcome.
Rediscover a lost part of yourself. Experience relationship harmony and healing.
Unleash your spirit. Express your gifts. Dance to the sacred rhythm of life.
You have learned from experience. More inner study is now required to further progress.
Deep connection. Trust your inner voice.
Your dreams, visions and goals are becoming reality. Stay focused.
Shine your light. Your internal guidance is coming through loud and clear.
Share your gifts with grace. Waves of inspiration and love are coming to you.
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Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Pages - The Cheeky Witch Oracle - and my main Cheeky Witch® page
Thank you!
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