Tuesday, 29 May 2018

The Cheeky Witch® Oracle Blog for the Week begining May 28th 2018

Recently I've been thinking about starting up this blog again and doing a weekly 'tarotscope'.

I decided to start this week - so imagine my surprise when I discovered that I actually first started this blog way back on May 28th 2009! I had totally forgotten!

9 years ago. 9 is my Life Path number - so I am loving the synchronity!

There have been a lot of changes over the past 9 years - the same as for most people - life is always a bit of a roller coaster 😄

For those who have not seen my blog before (because it has been sadly neglected for a few years, my apologies for that) I love Tarot and Oracle Cards! I have been lucky enough to have been given decks as gifts from my loved ones for birthdays and Christmas and I have quite a large collection!

I like to draw cards most days - for messages, guidance and inspiration - and thought I would like do the same for others - so I started a sort of 'tarotscope' - drawing cards for the star signs, giving messages for the week, but also giving people a chance to see lots of different oracle decks, as I use a different deck each week.

I was planning to post the readings yesterday - I chose a lovely deck, which I have not used before, shuffled the deck and drew a card for each of the star stars and was preparing everything. I needed to scan the cards, write the meanings, etc., but it was Bank Holiday Monday and we had visitors and distractions and I just ran out of the time.

So here we are, 9 years and 1 day since I posted my first ever blog!

Please find your cards and messages for the week beginning the 28th of May 2018 below - and whatever your star sign, have a great week!

Brightest Blessings, Kaz

P.S. Personally, I have a VERY hectic and exciting week ahead, as my son is getting married on Saturday! Praying for good weather!

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This week I am using the gorgeous "Wicca Oracle Cards by Nada Mesar, Lunaea Wheaterstone with wonderful artwork by Chatriya Hemharnvibul.

I love these cards - they are so pretty and they sparkle - I love sparkles!

(Although you can't really see the sparkles in the pics, sorry about that.)

They are also purple - my favourite colour 😜

This is the what the back of the cards look like:

When searching for these cards on line I have found that they are sometimes called the Wiccan Oracle Cards - but they appear to be the same deck.

Quoted from the book which comes with the deck (which is multi-lingual):

"The Wiccan Oracle deck is made up of 33 cards, each representing an aspect of the Wiccan path. Whether you are new to that path or an adept of many years' experience, the symbols and messages of the cards can take you deeper into the mysteries."

The book gives you an explanation of each card, what it represents and it's meaning, reverse meaning, keywords, an affirmation and a challenge.

For the readings below I shall include only the basic meanings, but if you are attracted to this lovely deck and would like to read and learn more I suggest you treat yourself  to the Wicca Oracle Cards - or perhaps you ill be lucky enough to have someone give them to you as a gift!

If you are in the UK these are on Amazon here.

If you're in the USA they are on Amazon here.

Or just Google them!

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Here are the cards for each of the starsigns.

Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from and/or act upon its message in the coming week...

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24 - Butterfly
Meaning: There is no need to make big decisions now, just let life float gently by for the time being. See the beauty in all things, and live fully in the moment. Wonders are all around you, just waiting to be appreciated.

Key Words: Transition, Beauty, Wonder.
Affirmation: I rejoice in beauty.
Challenge: What is the most wonderous experience you know?


29 - Broom
Meaning: Something in your life is no longer welcome, and it's time to sweep it out the door. Act with honour and honesty to rid yourself of whatever may be holding you back from happiness.

Keywords: Cleanse, Release, Dismiss.
Affirmation: I release what no longer serves me.
Challenge: What is cluttering up your spiritual space?


16 - The Fates
Meaning: There are no larger forces at work in the present situation. Fighting against what seems inevitable is not constructive now. You are being guided toward your truest and highest purpose, which may or may not be revealed at a later date. Go with the flow.

Keywords: Destiny, Karma, Choices.
Affirmation: I am aligned with the true nature of my destiny.
Challenge: If you life ended tomorrow, what would you regret?


10 - Litha
Meaning: Take advantage of this time of empowerment to do work that will advance your goals, both magical and mundane. Your personal charisma is strong, and your fiery warmth will attract others.

Keywords: Power, Radiance, Longevity.
Affirmation: I am filled with radiant and joyful power.
Challenge: What is your greatest strength?


31 - Chariot of Fire
Meaning: The time for the contemplation is over. Take the reins of your life in your own hands and take action immediately. Your boldness will be rewarded by good fortune.

Keywords: Action, Will, Forcefulness.
Affirmation: I am filled with courage and confidence.
Challenge: Where in your life are you moving too slowly.


4 - Wand
Meaning:You have the ability to accomplish any task if you bring the power of your will t bear upon it. Creative solutions are at your fingertips. Seize the moment and make it work for you. All magic is at your command.

Keywords: Action, Will, Magic
Affirmation: I make creative change happen.
Challenge: How will you take command of your life?


30 - Pool of Moonlight
Meaning: This is not the time fo r action, but rather, for contemplation. Stop and think things through.
Solitude is important now, tuning out influences of others so you can search your own soul.

Keywords: Peace, Contemplation, Understanding.
Affirmation: I am intune with divine inspiration.
Challenge: What does the moon want you to know?


8 - Ostara
Meaning: Creativity abounds! This is a time of rapid growth in every way. Projects undertaken now will blossom quickly. Give in to spring fever and approach life with enthusiasm. Take a leap of faith.

Keywords: Enthusiasm, Growth, Vitality.
Affirmation: I am filled with the life force of renewal.
Challenge: How do you express your inner child?


18 - Standing Stone
Meaning: You are exactly where you need to be, attuned with the elemental forces and in balnce with them. Take a moment to take stock of your surroundings, to find a fixed point on your life's path - a touchstone - that you can return to when you are feeling less sure of yourself.

Keywords: Wisdom, Time, Solidity.
Affirmation: I am part of the timeline of the ages.
Challenge: What legacy will you leave?


11 - Lughnasadh
Meaning: In the cycke of life, there must be an offering for blessings bestowed. It is not enough simply to expect to receive, you must also give back. You may need to sacrfice one plan or dream in order to bring another to fruition.

Keywords: Offering, Cycles, Sacrifice.
Affirmation: I offer myself at the altar of service.
Challenge: How are you witholding your gifts from the world?


19 - Familiar
Meaning: Your connection to nature is strong now. Pay attention to your animal companions, both in the flesh (and fur and feather) and on the etheric planes. A totem animal may become known to you, calling forth qualities you have long possessed but nnot made good use of.

Keywords: Instinct, Nature, Companionship.
Affirmation: I embrace my animal nature.
Challenge: What wildness in you is longing to be released?


32 - Mare
Meaning: Give yourself without reservation to those you love, and receive their love in return. Such freely given love is nourishing and sustaining to all your endeavours. It is safe to open your heart.

Keywords: Nurturing, Nourishment, Protection.
Affirmation: I give my whole heart in tender love.
Challenge: What part of you aches to be loved?

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Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Pages - The Cheeky Witch Oracle - and my main Cheeky Witch® Clothing page.

Thank you!

These messages are for entertainment purposes only.

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In accordance with the law in several countries it must be pointed out that all tarot and oracle readings given here are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. I am not qualified to give legal, financial, medical or any other advice, and I do not give advice. If you require advice of any kind you should seek a suitable licensed professional.

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