Monday, 20 April 2015

Weekly Divination Cards - week beginning Monday 20th April 2015

Good morning!

It's a beautiful sunny day today. Glorious!

It's also my Mum's birthday.

Happy Birthday Mum!

We went out together yesterday, to a Garden Centre, where we spent a few hours, had lunch and strolled around finding treasures... then had coffee and cakes, before returning home. It was lovely.

Today Mum is going out to lunch with her best friend and I have a Manic Monday ahead of me, so on with the cards for the week ahead!

I am using thr "Just for Today" Medicine Card this week.

Please find your message for the week beginning the 20th April 2015 below and whatever your star sign - have a good week :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the "Just for Today" version of the  
Medicine Cards
by Jamie Sams and David Carson

I have tried finding a link to The 'Just for Today' cards and can't find any, other than some listed on Amazon for an incredibly expensive price! (I don't understand how they can be so expensive, as my set was very reasonable, although I have had them for quite a few years...)

The Medicine Cards are wonderful and come in a boxed set with a book of layouts, instructions and the full meanings for each of the animal guides. I have the Medicine cards too, but it is easier for me to give you the 'Just for Today' messages!

This week's cards for each of the star signs: Here are your messages and insights for this week. Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from, and act upon, its message...


Frog - Bring in the rain. 

Tears cleanse your feelings. Refill with well-being.


Dog - Be loyal to yourself. 

Be true to others. Bolster your integrity.  


Ant - Be patient.
Honor the present moment. Find joy in the NOW.


Spider - Dance your dreams alive. 

Create from your hearts bliss. Weave the web you want to live.


Buffalo - Make way for abundance.
Release fear of lack or scarcity. Open yourself to receive.  


Owl - Honor intuition.
Use discernment. Outsmart deception. Trust your first impressions.  


Deer - Be gentle with yourself. 

Offer kindness to all living things.  


Lynx - Be still and silent. 

Become the one who watches. Honor the secret wisdom you hold.  


Armadillo - Respect your Sacred Space.
Drop hesitations and banish abuse. Use proper boundaries and thrive!  


Bat - Be flexible. 
Prepare for rebirth. The time is NOW. The power is YOU.  


Opossum - Have a plan. 

Use common sense. Honor the strategy that works best for you.  


Snake - Transmute all poisons. 

Shed the skin of the past. Honor the change in progress.