Thursday, 13 November 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Thursday 13th November 2014


Apologies for missing yesterday's cards.

Some days it's very difficult to fit in everything I have to do and then I get very stressed because I haven't done the cards, so I try to do them and then I get even further behind with everything else!

So now I've decided that if I have to miss a day occasionally - so be it!

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I've done things a bit back-to-front this morning.

I made some orders late last night, printed the postage labels and packaged them this morning and then went to the post office about 10:30am, I took Maisie, and we walked along the beach there and back.

It was very windy!

I tried to get some photos of the rough seas - but photos never really capture it - probably because your can't hear the 'roar' of the waves and the wind.


Here's Maisie - waiting for me to throw her ball.


Her ears were flapping about in the wind!

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By getting my orders sent off this morning - I was hoping to spend the early afternoon making use of the natural light, photographing more of my gifts for Ebay, etc. as they are demanding bigger photos and lots of other changes... and as my gifts don't seem to be appearing in the search listings and my sales have dropped dramatically, I have a lot of work to do!

However, it's now really dark and stormy outside and there's not a lot of natural light, so I shall have to go to plan B, and work on my other websites instead.

But first the cards!

Please find your message for Thursday below and whatever your star sign - enjoy your day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the "Just for Today" version of the 

Medicine Cards

by Jamie Sams and David Carson

I have tried finding a link to The 'Just for Today' cards and can't find any, other than some listed on Amazon for an incredibly expensive price! (I don't understand how they can be so expensive, as my set was very reasonable, although I have had them for quite a few years...)

The Medicine Cards are wonderful and come in a boxed set with a book of layouts, instructions and the full meanings for each of the animal guides. I have the Medicine cards too, but it is easier for me to give you the 'Just for Today' messages!

My personal card for today:

Raven - Open yourself to miracles. 

Use new eyes. Believe in magic. Embrace life's wonders.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
These are your messages from the animal guides for today! Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from and/or act upon its message...

Opossum - Have a plan. 

Use common sense. Honor the strategy that works best for you.

Weasel - Be the detective. 

Honor what you find. The truth is out there!

Antelope - Time to respond. 

Take Action. No procrastinating. Decide and do it NOW.

Unlimited Potential - Open your eyes! Pay attention! 

Trust yourself to recognize the gift being offered at this time.

Hawk - Honor all life forms and all humans as messengers. 

Trust life's messages and signals.

Whale - Acknowledge your mission. 

Trust your path. Become your chosen destiny.

Lynx - Be still and silent. 

Become the one who watches. Honor the secret wisdom you hold.

Bat - Be flexible. 

Prepare for rebirth. The time is NOW. The power is YOU.

Mountain Lion - Take courage and be brave. 

Risk being a living example. Become a leader without followers.

Turkey - Let go and give away the past. 

Share your gifts with generosity. Feel the freedom gained.

Dolphin - Breathe. Take in life force. 

Accept the gift of usable energy. Touch the invisible.

Dog - Be loyal to yourself. 

Be true to others. Bolster your integrity.

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Please feel free to leave any comments here on Blogger, or on my Facebook Page The Daily Divination, or on Twitter

Thank you!