Monday, 10 November 2014

Daily Divination Cards - Monday 10th November 2014

Good morning!

I hope you've had a good weekend?

I spent a wonderful time with some of my lovely family and my adorable grandson, Ollie, yesterday.

Isn't he a cutie?! #proudnanna

Back down to earth with a bump today though....

What is it about Mondays eh?!

I am using the "Just for Today" version of the Medicine Cards
Please find your message for Monday below and whatever your star sign - have a good day :)

Brightest Blessings,

This week I am using the "Just for Today" version of the 

Medicine Cards

by Jamie Sams and David Carson

I have tried finding a link to The 'Just for Today' cards and can't find any, other than some listed on Amazon for an incredibly expensive price! (I don't understand how they can be so expensive, as my set was very reasonable, although I have had them for quite a few years...)

The Medicine Cards are wonderful and come in a boxed set with a book of layouts, instructions and the full meanings for each of the animal guides. I have the Medicine cards too, but it is easier for me to give you the 'Just for Today' messages!

My personal card for today:

Turkey - Let go and give away the past. 

Share your gifts with generosity. Feel the freedom gained.

Today's cards for each of the star signs:
These are your messages from the animal guides for today! Try to sit quietly for a few moments, meditate on your card and think about how you can learn from and/or act upon its message...

Dog - Be loyal to yourself. 

Be true to others. Bolster your integrity.

Frog - Bring in the rain. 

Tears cleanse your feelings. Refill with well-being.

Mouse - Focus. Pay attention. 

Handle one thing at a time. Honor your perceptions.

Moose - See your potential. 

Take pride in yourself. Honor your right to be.

Badger - Take charge of your life. 

Go for it! Trust your abilities.

Wolf - Find new paths and options. 

Break through. Be a role model. Share your inner knowing.

Rabbit - Banish fear. 

Move beyond fears stagnation. Listen to your heart.

Lynx - Be still and silent. 

Become the one who watches. Honor the secret wisdom you hold.

Eagle - Connect to spirit. 

Feel the freedom found in Oneness. Let your spirit soar.

Raven - Open yourself to miracles. 

Use new eyes. Believe in magic. Embrace life's wonders.

Bat - Be flexible. 

Prepare for rebirth. The time is NOW. The power is YOU.

Unlimited Potential - Open your eyes! Pay attention! 

Trust yourself to recognize the gift being offered at this time.

* * * * * * *

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Thank you!